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Marcio Melendez’s Avatar

Marcio Melendez

James Webb Support Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
2 Answers
2076 Reads
1 Karma
Kendralyn’s Avatar
Kendralyn Oct 27, 2016 914 views

Why is it hard to find an affordable college or university that offers an undergraduate astrophysics program?

I'm a senior in high school who wants to major in astrophysics and work in that field. The only colleges/universities that I can find that offer Astrophysics are really really expensive and I don't want to pay off loans for the rest of my life. #stem #women-in-stem #astrophysics

Jaycie’s Avatar
Jaycie Oct 24, 2016 1317 views

I'm interested in black holes. Is is better to go into Space Science or Planetary Science?

I always thought it would be planetary science, but now that I'm looking into them both more, I'm not sure. #astronomy #space #planetary-science