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George Keith’s Avatar

George Keith

Site Reliability Engineer at Google
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mountain View, California
3 Answers
5947 Reads
91 Karma


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Davina’s Avatar
Davina Apr 07, 2016 1811 views

What is a computer engineer & a computer programmer

I want to know which one is better to do and has a great salary

Yocelyn’s Avatar
Yocelyn Apr 08, 2014 1912 views

What high payed jobs can you find with a major of sociology?

I am currently a senior, going to college soon. I'm going to major in sociology, but I don't know what kinds of jobs can you get with that major. #jobs #major #sociology

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 29, 2014 2258 views

How strongly should the financial aspect of a career impact what I decide to study?

I have a love of theater, specifically being backstage rather than acting, but I know it is a very shaky business both in terms of job availability and financial stability. My plan for college would be to either double major in theater and a more established major, probably a physical science,...