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Tom Bayles’s Avatar

Tom Bayles

Journalist | Teacher
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Florida, Florida
3 Answers
2944 Reads
1 Karma

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Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jan 24, 2018 755 views

How did you choose what to major in?

There's an endless array of options out there.So what made you compelled to dedicate your time(and money) to your major?#college-major

Racinda’s Avatar
Racinda May 19, 2016 1152 views

What is the difference between a data journalist, graphics, CAR, news applications, etc?

I have realized as my interest has grown larger and larger for journalism that there are many different types. And also many different areas of journalism one may branch off into. I'm wondering what makes each of them different or so significant to the profession, that I may further educate...

anitha’s Avatar
anitha May 06, 2016 1431 views

Which subject is suitable for Media Studies

I have completed 10th, so please help me #educator #journalism #media #media-relations