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Chicago, Illinois
2 Questions
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Crystal Jan 16, 2018 956 views

What are good ways to study for a quiz, test, etc?

I'm asking this questions is because I suck at studying for quiz, test, etc and plus I'm not a good at taking these kinds of things. Even though I go over #math problems or other questions that I don't get to make sure I understand it well. I need some tips on ways to study for these things.

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Crystal Jan 16, 2018 880 views

What are always to get back into something you love doing before?

I'm asking this question because I use to draw and I was always been creative. But then I stop. I would love to get back into drawing and being creative again because this is one of my majors that I want to study in #college. I also really enjoy art a lot ever since I was in grammar school. I...