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Keith Schweiger’s Avatar

Keith Schweiger

Senior Academic Advisor at Temple University
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 Answers
2452 Reads
1 Karma

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marnath’s Avatar
marnath Oct 21, 2016 1033 views

help!!! what are some ways to be active in college for a future medical school student

I'm a current freshman in college and I just recently declared my major. I'm a biology major and in the future I plan on going to medical school. I feel the need to be active in college, so it looks good on my transcript, but don't know how. #medicine #biology #doctorate-degree #college...

Sowmiya’s Avatar
Sowmiya May 06, 2016 876 views

How do I become a science teacher?

Hi,I am sowmiya.I am studying in 11 career is an science teacher. #college #science #teacher #higher-education

Adel’s Avatar
Adel Jan 17, 2018 945 views

Should I accept an internship if it has nothing to do with my major?

I've been offered an internship in an IT company that is not relevant to my major of Electrical Engineering. Should I accept it or look for something else? #internships