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Noah Breslauer’s Avatar

Noah Breslauer

Growth Marketing Specialist
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Los Angeles, California
2 Answers
5257 Reads
31 Karma

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Lyzzie’s Avatar
Lyzzie Jun 30, 2019 999 views

What are affordable ways I can become proficient in online self-marketing?

I have a website, but because of my lack of technological know-how, it’s pretty lame. I’m looking for a way to get myself known in the creative writing community. #writing #technology #marketing #self-promotion #author

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 06, 2018 1651 views

If I am looking at majoring in Marketing, how do I know which specific type is right for me?

I don't have time to take a class for every specific type of marketing major to give things a try, so how do I know which major to go with? #college-major #choosing-major