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Mike O'Brien’s Avatar

Mike O'Brien

Outside Plant Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Alabaster, Alabama
4 Answers
5747 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jan 18, 2018 1601 views

Is obtaining an MBA through a 5 year accelerated program and then going into the workforce a better option compared to just getting a bachelor's in 4 years then working?

I am trying to decide between getting my MBA in 5 years in an accelerated program or waiting until my company or myself can pay for online courses for an MBA while I am working a year or two after obtaining my bachelor's degree. I am interested in hearing feedback from business professionals...

Tirth’s Avatar
Tirth Jan 17, 2019 1293 views

After bachelors in aircraft maintenance , can I study MBA ?

#MBA #aircraftmaintenace #aerospaceengineer #cheifengineer

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Aug 17, 2019 2650 views

What are the pros and cons of electrical engineering?

#electrical-engineering #engineer #engineering #engineer #career

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Aug 20, 2019 583 views

What classes should I be taking next semester to prepare myself for the more technical aspects of a PwC internship? #internship #engineering

Looking for advice on internships and college :-) #college #engineering