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Edward Chihanick’s Avatar

Edward Chihanick

Systems Consultant
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Tampa, Florida
2 Answers
7194 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations


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Edward’s Career Stories

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

I wish someone told me how important it was to develop transferable job skills : Excel, SQL, Tableau, Power-Point, Google sheets. Advanced knowledge of these skills are invaluable regardless of the employer and will serve you well as you learn a new position or arrive at mastery of an existing one.

What is the biggest challenge you had to overcome to get to where you are now professionally? How did you overcome it?

When you are starting entry level, the biggest challenge is accepting that you don't have the job skill or knowledge required to post above your current level. I overcame this barrier by writing out where I was deficient in the job that I wanted, then just attacked that weakness until I was able to turn it into a moderate strength. Those also turn into nice stories to tell during the interview process.