When planning on what to do in college, should I continue all my hobbies from high school?
I am in choir, orchestra, Model United Nations, student government, theatre, and more, but I am not sure whether I should continue all these things in college. What should I continue and what should I quit? #college-advice #highschool
4 answers

Stacy L. Peazant
Stacy’s Answer
Hi Delaney,
It's nice to see that you've been involved in a variety of extra-curricular activities. That being said, it's probably best to engage in two activities during your first semester. Give yourself time to become acclimated to your course workload and collegiate life in general. Don't overload your extra-curricular activities. You have four years to engage in a plethora of activities! Also, don't limit yourself just to the activities you engaged in during high school. College is the ideal time to explore new activities. Who knows? You may want to engage in an intramural sport, work on the school newspaper, pursue something connected to a prospective major, or study abroad. Bottom line, explore, explore, explore!
Maria Paola’s Answer
Once you are in college, it will depend on how much available time you have to pursue your regular classes and in paralel to work in some other activities. These extracurricular activities will provide you with some "soft skills" that your career most likely will not teach you, and that is something we are not aware until it is too late.
I work in a company were we are encouraged to develop our career but at the same time they push us to do something else (community service, participate in development programs, sports, cultural activities, etc), but we need to be clear that is not being part of a group and thats it, what is important is that we can develop both paths in a successful way. For me it was like try and error, I began with one "extra curricular" activity and eventually increasing my participation in some others activities, until I knew that it is all I can do, as I was not wanting for it to be overwhelming.
Life is balance, so you will find your own, and choose the activities you like the most at first and when time passes, and you feel comfortable include some others until you know it is your limit.
Estelle’s Answer
Cheang’s Answer
First , you need to clarify your responsibility as a student, the most important thing is to focus on studying because you are student. There are thousands of societies or clubs in college, it will pretty busy if you have different kinds of hobbies. In my opinion, I will choose some new things that I never try before, college is a good place for you to discover what you really want and need. You will gain lots of experience and meet different peoples during the college, this is just my opinion.