What is investment banking like
Hi, I am a Finance major and i am interested in a career in investment banking. I know a lot about the culture, but just don't have a clear understanding of what it is actually like to work for an investment bank. Also, if i don't go to a target school, do I even have a shot? & what is it like for women in investment banking? & follow up question, what is the career ladder like for investment bankers do you go from analyst to associate to VP? Just trying to resolve a few questions. Thanks. #investment-banking #investment-management #money-management #investment-banking #investment-management #money-management #finance #business
4 answers
Ana’s Answer
This may not be exactly what you are looking for but I work with a lot of financial advisors and can share what a typical day looks like for them. Part of the day is devoted to prospecting, looking for new clients and servicing current clients. This job entails a great degree of compassion to connect with clients, since they are coming to you with their personal finance and wealth management needs. I've learned that many advisors prefer to work as part of a team to offer their clients the most comprehensive solution. So there may be someone on their team that focuses on insurance, retirement planning, wealth transfer, etc. in addition to having a lawyer or an accountant on hand to help with estate planning and tax issues. This is one of the best articles I've come across that provides more detail on the career: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/active-trading/072815/day-life-financial-advisor.asp
Henning’s Answer
Even if you don't go to a target school, I think you have chances to get into investment banking. The most important thing is networking. A first step would be to find an alumn from your college via LinkedIn and connect. From there you can always build your network.
Marianne’s Answer
Michelle’s Answer
Working within an investment bank, if there’s still such a definition is also not similar to investment banking function.