17 answers
Mike’s Answer
Getting your degree does 2 very important things. First it tells the world you completed your college education, despite the cost, time and dedication. It proves to an employer that you can make goals and obtain them. Secondly, once you earn your degree, you see yourself in an entirely different way.
You prove to yourself that you can obtain your goals like you set out to do and you will find you will have a new sense of confidence in yourself. When I graduated, I thought. I did it... Got my degree. What in life is next? My self-confidence and self-worth jumped immensely.
On a side note. I grew up know a women who did not finish her degree but worked for an Accounting firm, but would never be more than a clerk because she did not have her degree. Don't get me wrong. She was smart and hard working, but was never paid are treated like the Accountants in her firm. She hated her job the whole time I knew her. She carried a lot of resentment, more in herself for not finishing than with how she was treated by others.
Best advice... finish, then conquer your professional desires.
Kiana’s Answer
Emily’s Answer
I am not sure where you are at with your college education but I recommend you finish or complete a bachelor's degree. Many jobs in the business /finance/accounting industry look for this level of education. My current position in public accounting required a minimum of 150 credit hours of college which translates to 5 years of schooling. It is always a good option to be able to fall back on if you need it even if you decide to not stay in business forever!
Simeon’s Answer
Steve’s Answer
Stephanie’s Answer
Emily’s Answer
Hi Mireya,
As a very recent graduate (May 2019) I understand this question so well. There were many days that I thought about how many people succeed without college degrees. Why should I put myself in debt and struggle through these tricky classes when others are successful without them. While I understand the questions, I strongly encourage you to stay in school. If you are having a hard time in school reach out to the resources your university has. Most places have career coaching that can really help you find the right degree for you. Now a days, having a college degree opens so many doors that you don't want to close off. I would encourage seeking out information about other majors and career paths to maybe find something you are passionate about. I tried 2 majors before I finally settled on accounting and I couldn't be happier in my current career as an accountant. I had an excellent internship that resulted in a post grad job offer, that I am loving so far. Also, there really is nothing better than finally finishing college and knowing that you pushed through! I wish you the best of luck in your decision making!
Davida’s Answer
Elena’s Answer
Good morning. This is such a great question. I do believe that students should certainly continue with college and finish it. Think about it this way: either you go to work, be an entrepreneur or self-employed, people will evaluate you by your achievements. And one of the way to evaluate how hard working and determined you are at such young age is your college achievements, such as GPA, club participations, etc. When you start working, in my opinion, about 3 years in, people will not care about your GPA and college, because they will be able to evaluate you by your actual work. I think that education is a key that can help you open the doors. Think about education as an opening tool, have your GPA not lower than 3.5, have two-three internships, make up a plan what's your goal after college and I believe you will succeed. It all worked out for me and will for you. Good luck!
Devin’s Answer
As a current freshman in college, I would say try and finish out wherever you are. Having a degree can open a lot of doors for you that you may have never even thought where possible.
At my current school, the University of Northern Iowa, the amount of doors that have been opened for me is enormous. As a freshman (in accounting) I have already had opportunities to meet with some of the major companies in the accounting field--even having the opportunity to interview with employers for internship opportunities.
I feel that reaching out to some of your faculty members and truly utilizing them as resources for your journey, and growth, are the way that you can make the most out of your college experience.
Yes, college is expensive.
Yes, some people waste chances they don't realize were even there!
It wouldn't hurt to reach out to professionals and see where it can take you--make the most out of how much you're paying for.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
Devin recommends the following next steps:
Shirley’s Answer
Mireya, I also don't know how far you are in your education, but if you haven't yet received your bachelor's degree, I recommend you finish. The Bachelor's Degree is like the High School Diploma decades ago. That said, I'm never done learning, even if I am not adding letters at the end of my name. Always stay curious because the world and technology is changing faster and faster.
Shirley recommends the following next steps:
Danielle’s Answer
Donna’s Answer
Rachael’s Answer
Hi Mireya,
I'm not sure what stage of the college process you are at or what type of degree you are considering but determining to attend college can certainly be a decision with a variety of factors. As you've expressed interest in accounting, finance, and business I can speak to the BSBA with a concentration in Accounting and Finance, MSA, and MBA I have obtained. I would consider the type of career you intend on pursuing. My current position required a BSBA. Is this something required of your position or a position you would like to apply for? Although I also went on to obtain my master's degrees I did not do this for my immediate career path, rather I did so to equip myself for my future positions. Continuing on with college in the sense of obtaining another degree can certainly be completed later, even preferable to some as companies often offer incentives to go back to school.
Best of luck.
Yossi’s Answer
Iman’s Answer
Matthew’s Answer
Based on your question tags, I assume you are interested in a business degree - potentially with a specialization in accounting or finance. My recommendation is that you continue your education. Speaking as a college graduate with an accounting degree, finishing my education opened the door for an exciting and challenging career at a public accounting firm. While college can be an expensive and time consuming commitment, obtaining a college degree can help you find a rewarding career, develop important technical and social skills, and provide valuable professional connections for life after school.
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