4 answers
4 answers
Kerrie’s Answer
Nurses need to have patience, compassion, empathy, kindness, attention to detail, organizational ability, and love.
Sharon’s Answer
Some of the characteristics that are part of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics: Nurses practice with compassion, commitment, integrity, respect for the dignity of every person, responsibility and accountability, and ethical decision-making. Nurses should also have a willingness to advocate for and protect patients’ rights.
Juan’s Answer
stephanie’s Answer
Nurse encounter people at there most vulnerable points in life and death. Pain, suffering and joy are common emotions. First and foremost nurse should lose all judgement and realize that everyone is different. We must meet them where they are with kindness and compassion. Empathy ,or the ability to put yourself in their place, is an essential personality trait for this who work as a caregiver.