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What's good questions to ask the employer when on a interview?

My name is Tasia im 22 years young from the city of Chicago ! Im always getting asked "any question for me" , and I almost never have any questions to ask besides " when do I start" ! #interviews

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Subject: Career question for you


23 answers

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Sam’s Answer

Hi Shantasia,

For any interview, I recommend being as curious in them as they are in you. In addition to the questions Todd suggested, try asking questions about the company's culture, mission, and people. For example, you could ask an interviewer 'what's your favorite part about working here?' or 'do colleagues ever hang out together after work hours?' or 'what are your big goals for the future?'

Remember that interviews go both ways - they are determining if they would like to make you an offer and YOU are determining if you want to work for the company.

Good luck!
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Rebecca’s Answer

Hi Tasia, this can be a difficult question when you are being interviewed. Sometimes we feel put on the spot, and you want to think of a good question. Let's flip the script, this is the opportunity to be in the driver seat! But before we address the questions, let's review a few interview basics.

1. You can take notes during an interview - this helps you track of topics that were covered during the interview that you want to discuss later.

2. You do not have to wait to the end of the interview to ask questions - If you are not clear on what is being asked or discussed, you can ask for clarification. you can do this by summarizing what you just heard and repeating it back to the interviewer, and then asking is that what you meant? This gives the interviewer the opportunity to rephrase if their first statement wasn't clear and shows that you are actively listening.

3. After preliminary research you can prepare questions before hand - similar to Sam's note above, researching the company's culture, mission, and values helps you to determine if your values line up with their values.

This leads to the questions! First thing I do is take a breath (or a couple), a lull in the conversation is not a bad thing. While it can feel awkward, its necessary to collect your thoughts and prioritize questions.

1a. Great news! The notes you took during your interview likely lead to some questions about the role, expectations, the company, and your future team. If these notes don't lead to questions that okay because you have done your own research.

2a. If you didn't feel right stopping for clarification earlier in the conversation, now is the time to revisit!

3a. Like Todd, looking up the company gives you a great starting point. If this still doesn't lead you to any questions then general questions work great as well.

4. What inspires you are about the company and your role?
Where do you see opportunity in the space?
Who on your team is performing (this role, task, action etc.) well and why do you think they are doing XYZ well?
What are the team's key performance indicators?
How do you give feedback and how often?
How do you like to receive feedback?

Rebecca recommends the following next steps:

Prep with potential interview questions here -
Review Active Listening skills here -
Check out this awesome site with pro tips -
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Todd’s Answer

There are many questions that you should ask, and you should have a list of questions with you that you've prepared beforehand. If some or all have been answered during your interview, then you can mention that as well, but otherwise here are a few tips:

Start with research of the company. Use their website to see what the company is all about. How long have they been in business? Are they only local or national/global? Who are their competitors? You can find some more info by performing some Google searches or go to a site like Yahoo! Finance.

Continue on to some more on-line research at sites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor. Sites like Glassdoor will provide you with feedback from current/former employees about what they think about this company. (Note - there may be a few people venting about a bad experience or a terrible boss, but remember that it may be focused on a particular person at the company who you may never meet, let alone work for, so look for the general overtone from all the feedback.) You may also find average salaries for various roles, which may help you in salary negotiations.

Further questions to ask on the interview - Is there room for advancement? What sort of career paths do they offer? Do they have tuition reimbursement or continuing education opportunities? What benefits do they offer (ex. medical, dental, time off, profit-sharing and stock options)?

By asking questions it will not only provide you with valuable information, but it shows the interviewer that you did your homework and are truly interested in this company.
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Kim’s Answer

Hi Tasia!

Don't feel bad, I always have trouble with that one myself! One question I like to ask is "why does this vacancy exist?" (is it a new position, did the last employee "not work out," or did the last employee get promoted, or quit?)

If you are able to present yourself as trying to find out if YOU want to work for THEM, (as opposed to being desperate for the job, which, even if you are, you don't want to let them know that!), you can ask questions like, "what is the thing employees complain about the most?" If they say their employees have no complaints, in my opinion, they are either lying or out of touch with their employees. My opinion. Also, my coworkers and I used to joke that if ever we got another job, we would ask to see the employee break area and restrooms. Sounds crazy, but, I think looking at those areas would tell you a lot about how they treat their employees!

One question I asked once, which really took them by surprise, was if there were any discussions of "outsourcing" the position I was applying for. Let's say you are applying to work in a hospital. They might look at outsourcing the cafeteria, patient meal services, janitorial, etc. A lot of companies look at outsourcing to some degree or another, so, it actually is fair to ask! When I asked it, the answer was "yes!" uh-oh!

Anyway, I hope this helps! The more you interview, the easier it becomes. Let us know if there are other interview situations you need help with!

Thank you comment icon p.s. Companies really dislike it when you ask questions about things you should already know if you visited the website. So, make sure to visit the website! You can ask probing questions about things that are on the website, but, nothing basic! Kim Igleheart
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Samantha’s Answer

Hi Shantasia,

These are some examples of questions i would ask at an interview -

What do you expect from team members in this position?
Will those expectations change over time?
What is a typical day like at?
Where do you see the company in five years?
What are the next steps in the interview process?

I hope this helps :)

Best of luck to everyone interviewing

Thank you comment icon "Where do you see the company in five years?" I love this question. Tyler Piacella
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Marvin’s Answer

1) What is your management style?
2) What do you see as the most challenging aspects of this position?
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Katherine’s Answer

One of my go-to interview questions is, "What is one piece of advice you would give to someone starting here on their first day/week/month/90 days?". I believe that this question shows your desire to be at that company and allows the interviewer to reflect and talk about their own experiences they had starting out at that company.
Thank you comment icon Great advice! Questions are a good way for you to give the Interviewer a chance to speak about themselves. Tyler Piacella
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Katya’s Answer

Hi, depending on what are the requirements of the role you went for the interview . These are some questions that I recommend from my experience;

1) what will be I be doing on a typical day?

2) what are the growth opportunities and how does a individual development plan process works within your organization?

3) what kind of training will I go through? Where would be the location of the training.

4) what is your favorite part working for this organization? How long you worked for this company and what was your individual development plan while growing within thE organization?

5) what practices the company does around recognition?

6) if you are going for the branch/retail- ask about the last audit, client experience

7) what are the biggest challenges that the company is currently experiencing. Or what are the challenges within the team that I will be working for?

8) what is the culture of the office I will be stepping in to?

9) what are the next steps in the interview process

10) before leaving- restate your interest in the job , thank you for time.

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Nick’s Answer

It's always good to research the job/company before going into an interview. Naturally there may be some questions that arise from that research. It's good to be prepared with questions, shows you are interested in the role you are applying for and are engaged in the interview. Maybe you did prepare questions but the interviewer was thorough and answered them, you could always ask for more detail and to elaborate on one of the answers to a question you may have had.

Depending on the job you are interviewing for, you may want to know things like:
- What is expected of the role in the fist 30/60/90/180 days?
- What resources are available on the job?
- How/when is feedback given?
- What has made previous hires successful in this role?

I also liked to ask the interviewer what made them come to work for the company, and what they liked best about their job. You could also ask them what advice they would give someone starting out in the role.

At the end of the interview it's a good idea to ask what the next steps are and when you can expect to hear back about the position, if they don't already indicate that.

I always liked to end interviews asking if they had any other questions for me or needed clarification on any of my answers.

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Anthony’s Answer

I would ask for specific details on training programs and how they (the company) helps entry-level employees grow their skills to be successful. I'd also ask about on-going training after the initial onboarding is over.

Especially when looking for entry-level roles I would think a lot about the skills you want to build for your career. Your first job should be considered a "launching pad" for future success. You want to find a company that invests in developing their employees and talent.
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Doug’s Answer

Always do your research about the company you're interviewing for. Research any recent press that they have been in, get a sense of their culture. I think questions around company culture are always great questions to ask.
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Claire’s Answer

Make sure to have done some research on the organization first - sue their website, glassdoor, LinkedIn and review social media for any articles and anything you find interesting. Then ask about the team, about working hours, career prospects - and ask what success in this role would look like - how would you know you're doing a good job! Good luck!
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Patrick’s Answer

The one question I always make sure I ask in a job interview is "Can you tell me about your favourite moment at (Company Name)?". Generally speaking the person you are asking will not expect this question so will not have a prepared answer and will have to speak from the heart. This can give you a good insight into both the person who is interviewing you (who will possibly be your future manager or someone you work closely with) , their values, and also the culture within the company. Remember, a job interview is a 2 way street and it is just as important for you to feel like this is a person or company you would want to work for/with.
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Simeon’s Answer

"When do I start?", lol. :P Let's see... Anything insincere just attempting to highlight more positive qualities of yourself won't help too much. You don't need to have something to ask; its more of a formality. But if you want to make the most of the question, look up stuff about the company ahead of time and find a question you're curious about. Showing any amount of interest or enthusiasm about the company, especially if its sincere, will come across well. This is more about the curiosity than about anything about the content of the actual question.
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Angela’s Answer

Totally understand this. However, having additional questions for them will help show your interest in the company/role. Try to always have a few in your back pocket that you can apply to any job interview!

Some ideas to ask might be: 1) How will I know that I am doing my job well? 2) How would you describe the company culture? 3) Can you tell me more about the existing makeup of the team and what other teams they interface with on a daily basis? 4) How do you feel my skillset matches up with the preferred skillset for this opening? 5) Based on our interview today, would you recommend me for this position or do you have any reservations that I can clear up? 6) What are the ways that this company ensures it's customers are being looked after?

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Kate’s Answer

Hi Tasia, here are a few ideas for questions:

1. Can you describe a typical day in this role?
2. How long have you been with the company and what do you like most about working here?
3. How will my performance be measured? How will I know that I am doing a good job?
4. What are the company's opportunities for learning and development?
5. What skills does the ideal candidate have for this position?
6. Who held this position previously and why did they leave?
7. What are the next steps in the hiring process?
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Gloria’s Answer

Hi Shantasia,

Oh you need to have questions. It shows your interest in the job and company. You are naturally going to have somes questions going in, but they are usually about the job and get answered by the hiring manager during the interview. The questions that you ask the interviewer are not really meant to be about benefits or salary. This is your chance to think about something that is important to you that usually goes below the surface of the interview. This question will depend on who is interviewing you. Sometimes your first interview is someone in Human Resources, not the actual hiring manager. This person you might ask about the culture of the company or more important initiatives for the coming year. If you are talking to the hiring manager, you might shift your focus to a more personal question, such as "How would you describe your management style? How do you like to manage your team?" It is just as important for you to like the person that would be hiring you in an interview than them liking you. As you work through your career, you are going to learn that there is an old adage that is true "People don't leave businesses, they leave managers." Your relationship with your direct manager (supervisor, boss) is always the most important one in any job. Learning about how that relationship will go early can keep you from making a mistake.

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Matthew’s Answer

Questions to Ask About the Job
First, make sure you have a handle on exactly what the day-to-day responsibilities of the job will be—both now and in the future.

What does a typical day look like?
What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?

Can you show me examples of projects I’d be working on?

What are the skills and experiences you’re looking for in an ideal candidate?

What attributes does someone need to have in order to be really successful in this position?

What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?

What are the biggest challenges that someone in this position would face?

What sort of budget would I be working with?

Is this a new role that has been created?

Do you expect the main responsibilities for this position to change in the next six months to a year?

Questions to Ask About Training and Professional Development
Think of each new job not just as a job, but as the next step on your path to career success. Will this position help you get there?

How will I be trained?
What training programs are available to your employees?

Are there opportunities for advancement or professional development?

Would I be able to represent the company at industry conferences?

Where is the last person who held this job moving on to?

Where have successful employees previously in this position progressed to?

Questions to Ask About Your Performance
Understanding how your potential new manager will measure your success is key in both understanding the company priorities, as well as their managerial style.

What are the most important things you’d like to see someone accomplish in the first 30, 60, and 90 days on the job?
What are the performance expectations of this position over the first 12 months?

What is the performance review process like here? How often would I be formally reviewed?

What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?

Questions to Ask About the Interviewer
Asking questions of the interviewer shows that you’re interested in them as a person—and that’s a great way to build rapport.

How long have you been with the company?
Has your role changed since you’ve been here?

What did you do before this?

Why did you come to this company?

What’s your favorite part about working here?

Questions to Ask About the Company
Why not learn a little bit about where you might work. Because a job isn’t just about your day-to-day to-do list.

I’ve read about the company’s founding, but can you tell me more about...?
Where do you see this company in the next few years?

What can you tell me about your new products or plans for growth?

What are the current goals that the company is focused on, and how does this team work to support hitting those goals?

What gets you most excited about the company’s future?

Questions to Ask About the Team
The people you work with day in and day out can really make or break your work life. Ask some questions to uncover whether it’s the right team for you.

Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?
Who will I work with most closely?

Who will I report to directly?

Can you tell me about my direct reports? What are their strengths and the team’s biggest challenges?

Do you expect to hire more people in this department in the next six months?

Which other departments work most closely with this one?

What are the common career paths in this department?

Questions to Ask About the Culture
Is the office buttoned-up conservative or a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of place? Learn the subtle, but oh-so-important, aspects of company culture.

What’s the company and team culture like?
How would you describe the work environment here—is the work typically collaborative or more independent?

Can you tell me about the last team event you did together?

Is there a formal mission statement or company values? (Note: Make sure this isn’t Google-able!)

What’s your favorite office tradition?

What do you and the team usually do for lunch?

Does anyone on the team hang out outside the office?

Do you ever do joint events with other companies or departments?

What’s different about working here than anywhere else you’ve worked?

How has the company changed since you joined?

Questions to Ask About Next Steps
Before you leave, make sure the interviewer has all of the information they need and that you’re clear on the next steps by asking these questions.

Is there anything that concerns you about my background being a fit for this role?
What are the next steps in the interview process?

Is there anything else I can provide you with that would be helpful?

Can I answer any final questions for you?

Matthew recommends the following next steps:

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Glenda’s Answer

Always good to ask early on "Who would be your ideal candidate for this job?" That can help you shape your responses and examples of where you have been successful etc.
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Charlotte(Carly)’s Answer

''What does your ideal candidate look like?"'
'' What does the day to day look like for this role?''

At the end it is always good to close them out - asking if there is anything that was unclear that you can clarify in order to move you on to the next round.
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Samantha’s Answer

When thinking about questions to ask employers during an interview you want your questions to help you gain insight on the business, the interviewer or show a forward thinking mentality. These types of questions help you gain a better insight to the interviewer and develops the relationship quicker, gives you a better insight into the company and what it stands for and also shows your level of curiosity. Here are some of the questions that I have asked in the past:

What is one piece of advice that you would give a younger version of yourself to help make you more successful sooner?

What is the biggest obstacle you have ever overcome?

What is the missing link that the person who gets hired for this role needs to have?

What is the goal/purpose the company is trying to achieve?

What changes do you see coming to this field in the next 6 months?

What is the culture of your team like currently? What is one thing you would change if you could?

What achievement are you most proud of in your career and why?

If you had a magic wand what is one thing you would change about the organization?

These are just a few that I have used, I hope this will help you in future interviews!

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Joseph’s Answer

Ask, what skills have other people who have been successful in this role exhibited?
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Colin’s Answer

Assuming you have done all preliminary research on the company you are interviewing with as well as the position, make sure you are fully engaged with the interviewer. Have your research in your "back pocket" but be in the moment of the interview, listening and understanding the questions being asked as well as making mental notes of follow up questions you might ask. Show that you are interested in the company with your knowledge and show that you are a good listener by asking questions relevant to what the interviewer is discussing...certainly demonstrate some of your knowledge with your questions and conversation but let the interviewer lead the conversation.

Good luck!