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What steps would I need to take if I want to become an app developer? What would I need to learn in order to create apps and make them successful?

I am a junior in high school. I am not exactly sure what I want to do yet, but I am interested in software development. I also want to become familiar with developing software before I go to college to see if it is really for me, but I don't know where to start, which is why I am asking this question. # #computer-software #technology #app #engineer

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13 answers

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Dexter’s Answer

Hi Rachel,

I think it’s great that you have a plan for yourself and that you’re asking this question to this community.

I would say a good way to get started is to pick up a programming language as Morgan suggested. Though if you want to specialize in creating apps, the language to end up getting a black belt is either Swift (iOS) and/or Java (Android). But it can be a bit hard to jump straight into those programming languages. You may want to get started with higher level programming languages, like HTML, Python, or Javascript.

After you feel like you know the basics, I would encourage you to build a website from scratch. This will give you a good feel for building something that is much easier than building a mobile app.

At this stage, I would advise you to volunteer at nonprofits or at your school to practice your skills in real life situations. These experiences will make you a better software engineer as well as giving you great items to put on your resume.

Then, I would aim to get into a good university or college to further your learnings and to make great connections. At this stage, it really helps to be around people who are also trying to be good software developers. After graduating with a computer science degree, with all the experience you’ve built up, you should have no problem in finding the job of your choice. :)

I hope you find your way and I hope software development is fulfilling for you. I wish you the best of luck in your career journey!

Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! This is very helpful. Rachel
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Dennis’s Answer

Get a degree in Computer Science.
Choose a major platform.
You need to take classes in marketing and business management.
Begin to practice.
Ease of use.
Test your app.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Rachel
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Tiffany’s Answer

If you are looking for Software Development opportunities I suggest you to consider the following tips:
1.Learn fundamentals: Start with languages like Python or JavaScript using online platforms.
2.Practice: Challenge yourself with exercises and small projects to gain confidence.
3.Explore areas: Discover web/mobile development, data analysis, etc., to find your interests.
4.Join communities: Engage with online coding communities to connect with other developers.
5.Build projects: Create personal websites or simple apps to apply your skills.
6.Attend workshops/events: Participate in local coding workshops or hackathons for practical experience.
In addition, I recommend you to consider the article which might be helpful
for you. Remember to research college programs aligned with your interests. Enjoy the journey of software development!
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evan’s Answer

If you want to become an app developer in NYC, there are several steps you can take to achieve your goal. First, you will need to gain a solid understanding of software development and programming fundamentals. This includes learning programming languages such as Java, Swift, or Kotlin, and familiarizing yourself with mobile app development frameworks such as React Native or Flutter.

Next, it's important to gain practical experience by building your own apps and participating in coding challenges or hackathons. This will help you develop the skills needed to create apps that are functional, efficient, and user-friendly.

To make your apps successful, you will also need to understand the business side of app development. This includes market research, user experience design, and marketing strategies. In order to succeed as an app developer, it's important to have a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, as well as an ability to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.

Finally, networking is crucial for any aspiring app developer in NYC. Attend industry events and conferences, connect with other developers, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. Building a strong professional network can help you find job opportunities, gain mentorship, and grow your skills and expertise.

In summary, becoming a successful app developer in NYC requires a combination of technical skills, practical experience, business acumen, and networking. With persistence, dedication, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt, you can achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact in the app development industry.
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Sundaresh’s Answer

First, congratulations on having a plan. That's a big first step.

Having been in software development for over 2+ decades, I would recommend you start with no-code platforms ( This is the future of application development. You should try no-code platforms for both web applications as well as mobile applications.

This will help you get a good grasp of logic and will give you quick wins.

To put this in terms of actionable next steps:

Sundaresh recommends the following next steps:

Pick a simple problem you would like to solve with technology (shopping list, recipe list, whatever...)
Research no-code platforms - pick 2-3
Build you app on selected platform
Send it out to friends and family to test and give you feedback
Research programming languages - frontend, full stack, backend etc.
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jill’s Answer

Start writing apps and get them on the App Store!
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Morgan ☁’s Answer

Learn a programming language. There are plenty of free resources for practice and to find which one works for you.

I wouldn't say you HAVE to go to college for it, at least not getting Masters and Doctorates. If you chose a Bootcamp, do a lot of research about who to pick.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Rachel
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Angelique’s Answer

Hello Rachel,

First of all, I applaud you for taking this approach in learning what would be of interest to you before going to college. The key is for you to complete some research in areas of interest to you, so you gain enough knowledge to start connecting what feels right to you and for you to make informed decisions (college, internships, etc.).

How to start your research?

1) Download Eventbrite and Meetup apps

2) Search for free virtual events and register for as many classes/webinars etc. that gets your attention or curiosity.
- This will provide opportunities for you to learn, ask questions relating to software development.

3) Join LinkedIn (you must be 16 years old) - optional
- Create a profile and join software development groups. You will get a sense of the why, what, where, how, who, and when of this area.

4) Keep track of these events, and you will start seeing patterns that will help you along with your decision making

Below is the link for a free virtual Eventbrite slated for 4/23/20 – Free online Mobile Apps Development hands-on workshop with live instructors – Celebrating international girls in ICT day with online mobile apps development workshop for girls age 9 to 20 years old

On another note, I know many software developers who did not attend college. Those who did had other degrees other than Computer Science (CS) . However, the CS degree would be the way to go if software development is your chosen path.

I think you are on the right track in working through your decisions because you are asking the right questions at the right time.

Good luck Rachel! I hope to hear how all this turns out for you.

Warm regards,

Angelique recommends the following next steps:

Register for a free virtual eventbrite slated for 4/23/20 – Free online Mobile Apps Development hands on workshop with live instructors – Celebrating international girls in ICT day with online mobile apps development workshop for girls age 9 to 20 years old
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for this helpful information! Rachel
Thank you comment icon I also wanted to thank you for letting me know about the live workshop. I have been trying to learn how to code, so this is extremely helpful! Rachel
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Rohan’s Answer

If you're interested in becoming an app developer, here are the steps you can take to pursue a career in this field:

1. Set clear goals and objectives: Define your specific career goals as an app developer. Determine the type of apps you want to develop (e.g., mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps), the platforms you want to target (e.g., iOS, Android, web), and the industry or domain you're interested in.

2. Learn programming fundamentals: Start by gaining a solid foundation in programming. Familiarize yourself with fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. Common programming languages for app development include Java, Swift, Kotlin, JavaScript, and C#.

3. Choose a platform and technology: Select the platform or platforms you want to specialize in, such as iOS, Android, or web development. Each platform has its own development frameworks, tools, and languages. For example, iOS development typically involves using Swift or Objective-C, while Android development commonly uses Java or Kotlin. Web development may involve HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. Acquire the necessary technical skills: Develop your skills in the chosen programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Learn the specific development environments, such as Xcode for iOS, Android Studio for Android, or integrated development environments (IDEs) for web development. Explore platform-specific libraries, APIs, and SDKs (Software Development Kits) relevant to your chosen platform.

5. Enroll in relevant courses or programs: Consider formal education or training programs to enhance your skills. Look for courses, certifications, or degree programs that focus on app development or computer science. Online platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and edX offer a wide range of app development courses.

6. Practice through hands-on projects: Apply your knowledge by working on real-world projects. Start with small, simple apps and gradually move on to more complex projects. Building apps will help you gain practical experience, develop problem-solving skills, and understand the app development lifecycle.

7. Build a portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing the apps you've developed. This demonstrates your skills and serves as a tangible representation of your capabilities to potential employers or clients. Include descriptions of your projects, technologies used, and any notable features or challenges you encountered.

8. Stay updated with industry trends: App development is a rapidly evolving field. Stay updated with the latest technologies, frameworks, and best practices. Follow relevant blogs, join developer communities, attend conferences, and participate in online forums to stay informed and connected with the app development community.

9. Collaborate and network: Engage with other developers, join online forums or communities, and attend local developer meetups or events. Collaborating with peers, sharing knowledge, and networking can provide valuable learning opportunities and help you stay motivated.

10. Seek internship or job opportunities: Apply for internships or entry-level positions in app development companies, tech startups, or IT departments of organizations. Hands-on experience working in a professional setting will further enhance your skills and provide valuable industry exposure.

11. Continuous learning and improvement: App development is an ongoing learning process. Stay curious and continuously update your skills to adapt to emerging technologies, frameworks, and trends. Explore advanced topics, such as cloud integration, security, user experience (UX) design, and performance optimization.

Remember, becoming an app developer requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to keep learning. Start small, build a strong foundation, and gradually work your way up to more complex projects. Embrace challenges and continuously seek opportunities to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge in this dynamic field. You can take help from a top mobile app development company in the USA for doing an internship in mobile application development.
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SRISHTI’s Answer

Becoming an app developer involves learning programming languages like Java/Kotlin for Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS. Understanding mobile app development frameworks, mastering design principles, and staying updated with industry trends are vital. Building a strong portfolio, gaining practical experience, and collaborating with others contribute to success. Additionally, focusing on user experience, effective marketing, and continuous improvement are key to creating successful apps.
For more information read:
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Arka’s Answer

Here are the steps you can take if you want to become an app developer:

Learn the basics of programming. This includes learning about variables, loops, conditional statements, and functions. You can learn the basics of programming through online tutorials, books, or courses.
Choose a programming language. There are many different programming languages that you can use to develop apps. Some of the most popular programming languages for app development include Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Objective-C.
Learn about the different platforms. There are two main platforms for app development: Android and iOS. You will need to learn about the specific features and requirements of each platform in order to develop apps that are compatible with them.
Learn about app design and development. This includes learning about user interface design, user experience design, and software development principles. You can learn about app design and development through online tutorials, books, or courses.
Build your portfolio. The best way to show potential employers or clients that you have the skills to develop apps is to build a portfolio of your work. This could include apps that you have developed on your own or apps that you have worked on as part of a team.
Get involved in the community. There are many online and offline communities for app developers. Getting involved in these communities is a great way to learn from other developers, get feedback on your work, and find job opportunities.
Here are some of the skills you need to learn in order to create apps and make them successful:

Programming skills. You need to have a solid understanding of programming concepts and be able to write code that is efficient and bug-free.
Design skills. You need to be able to design user interfaces that are attractive and easy to use.
Problem-solving skills. You need to be able to identify and solve problems that arise during the development process.
Communication skills. You need to be able to communicate effectively with other developers, designers, and clients.
Business skills. You need to be able to market and sell your apps in order to be successful.
Becoming an app developer can be a challenging but rewarding career. By following these steps and learning the necessary skills, you can increase your chances of success.
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Jermaine’s Answer

So, you're fascinated by the dynamic realm of mobile applications and aspire to be an app developer? This is an exhilarating journey that combines creativity, problem-solving, and tech savvy. Here's a guide to kickstart your journey:

1. Understand the Basics:

Choose Your Platform: Are you leaning towards iOS (iPhone/iPad) or Android? It's vital to comprehend their operating systems and development settings (Swift for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android).

Master Programming Fundamentals: Coding is the heart of app development. Start with basic programming elements like variables, data structures, and control flow. Languages such as Python or JavaScript provide a robust base.

2. Expand Your Expertise:

Platform-Specific Development: After mastering the basics, dive into the specific languages and frameworks used for your selected platform (for instance, SwiftUI for iOS, Jetpack Compose for Android). Numerous online tutorials and courses are at your disposal.

User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) Design: While functionality matters, a user-friendly and intuitive interface is key to an app's success. Discover UI/UX design concepts to create apps that are visually appealing and simple to navigate.

3. Develop Your Portfolio:

Start Small: Don't let complex app ideas daunt you. Initiate with minor projects that concentrate on core functionalities. This boosts your confidence and sharpens your skills.

Practice Leads to Perfection: The more you code, the better you get. Engage in online coding challenges or join hackathons to put your knowledge to the test in real-world situations.

4. Keep Learning:

Stay Informed: The app development field is ever-changing. Keep up with the latest trends, technologies (like AR/VR, Machine Learning), and industry standards.

Mobile App Development Company in London For a systematic learning experience, consider signing up for bootcamps or courses provided by mobile app development firms in London. These programs offer immersive training and project-based learning under the supervision of experts.

Becoming an app developer is more of a journey than a destination. Passion, commitment, and ongoing learning are the cornerstones of success. Start innovating, welcome challenges, and connect with fellow developers. With determination and the right mentorship, you're well on your path to crafting the next hit app!
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Ronald’s Answer

Becoming an app developer is a great goal, especially given your interest in software development. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Learn the Basics of Programming: Start by learning the fundamentals of programming. Popular languages for app development include Java, Swift, Kotlin, and JavaScript. There are many resources available online, including tutorials, courses, books and blogs to help you learn these languages.

Choose a Platform: Decide which platform you want to develop apps for. The two main platforms are iOS (Apple) and Android (Google). If you're interested in both, you'll need to learn different programming languages and frameworks for each.

Familiarize Yourself with Development Tools: Become comfortable with the tools used for app development. For iOS development, you'll need Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment (IDE). For Android development, you can use Android Studio, Google's official IDE, or other alternatives like IntelliJ IDEA.

Start with Small Projects: Begin by working on small projects to apply what you've learned. This could be simple apps or features like calculators, to-do lists, or weather apps. As you gain more experience, you can tackle more complex projects.

Learn about User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: Understanding how to design user-friendly interfaces is crucial for creating successful apps. Familiarize yourself with UI/UX principles and design tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD.

Study App Development Patterns and Best Practices: Explore common app development patterns and best practices to write clean, maintainable code. Understanding concepts like MVC (Model-View-Controller) or MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture will help you structure your apps effectively.

Explore APIs and Libraries: Learn how to integrate APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) into your apps to access data and services from other platforms or applications. Additionally, explore popular libraries and frameworks that can help streamline your development process.

Join Developer Communities and Forums: Engage with other developers by joining online forums, communities, or attending local meetups. Platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Reddit have active communities where you can ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.

Build a Portfolio: As you gain experience, start building a portfolio showcasing your projects. This will demonstrate your skills to potential employers or clients and help you stand out in the competitive job market.

Stay Updated and Keep Learning: The field of app development is constantly evolving, so it's essential to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. Continuously learning new skills and experimenting with different tools will help you stay ahead in your career.

Remember, becoming proficient in app development takes time and dedication, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the learning process. Good luck on your journey!