What is the best path to become a professional dancer, auditioning for a company at 18 or going to a college dance program?
Most dancers I know feel that the best path to a professional dance career is to go straight out of high school to a company. I'm not sure I'm ready for that, and I also would like to go to college. I'm afraid that if I do, though, I might be making it more difficult for me to get into a professional company, because it seems to be "expected" that if you are "good enough" you should be going straight to a company. Going to college first seems to be looked down on and makes it seem like you aren't really the top dancer they want.
I would like information from someone who has done both, so I have some insight into what to do. #college #career-counseling #arts #dance #performing-arts #dance-education
2 answers
William’s Answer
West Valley Dance Company
The Future of Dance Training
Dance Connection Palo Alto
Bay Area Dance Studio
A sound college (Creative / Performing Art / Music) program is another option.