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How can a person do their best in their school and college life?

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12 answers

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Margaret’s Answer

Make sure to have fun but always remember why you're actually there. Join some clubs, attend extracurricular events, and go to any fun school-hosted activities you can! Make sure that your schoolwork comes first and that you do these fun things once you've gotten your assignments done. Also, study groups are a great way to socialize and study.
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Arun’s Answer

I think it is important to define what does "best" mean according to you. Is it getting really high marks? Is it acquiring job ready skills? Is it having varied life experiences? Is it building life long friendships?...
You will have focus your energies into different things based on what out of the above you want...In all of these however a skill that will come in really handy will be learning how to learn. May be that is where you should start.
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NiLeSh’s Answer

Study sincerely and also focus on time Management.
Instead of just gaining theoretical knowledge try to find practical applications and gain more practical experience.
Never stop questioning. Keeping asking why? how?
Make sure to participate in extracurricular activities.
And also concentrate on personality development.
And have lot of fun.
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Lian-Wei’s Answer

Hi Samyukta! Time management is one of the most crucial skills to master and develop during your time in college, whether it be at a 2-year, 4-year, or more institution. I've come to learn during my freshman year that I pulled a ton of all-nighters because I didn't have a good balance of my new college workload, study habits and the time to hang out with my new friends. Being able to prioritize your day with classes, group meetings, or other tasks like getting food, working out, etc. is vital to making the most out of your day. And quite honestly, incoming college students' skill level for time management varies, so it's completely fine if it takes you either a few months, a semester, or even the whole year to learn how to manage time because it will pay off for the remainder of your time in college and post-graduation! Best of luck in college!

Lian-Wei recommends the following next steps:

Invest in a schedule planner
Either use a smartphone or wear a watch to know the time
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Sydney’s Answer

Stay on top of everything!
Make list! I made list to plan out my work load and distribute it evenly so I wouldn't have more stressful days over others. Obviously, this won't always be the case however it's still good practice. Surround yourself with good friends/peers, people who can help you academically and people who can help you mentally and support you! College is a lot about independence, so find what fits you, what makes you happy.
Be happy now so you can be happy later.
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Amanda’s Answer

From my experience, the best way to do your best is to enjoy what you are doing. Since I entered college, I started choosing my favorite areas to study, and since then my grades have never been better. Enjoy yourself, join clubs, extracurricular activities, and always put your interests in the first place. Your life is your own! If you are studying somethig you really like it's going to be amazingly easy to do your best.
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Supreethkumar’s Answer

Enjoy what you learn rather than being a book worm. Join a school or college which offers you a course in which you are interested in.
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Rheanna’s Answer

Hello Samyukta! A few things that I have done to be my best in school and college is to make sure school always comes first. There are so many activities and groups to get involved in on campus, but I always made sure to prioritize my school work first. With that being said, I do think it is very important to be involved in different clubs and organizations on campus. These activities are great ways to meet new people and make the most out of your college experience. I would just recommend maintaining a good balance between extracurricular activities and your school work.
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Bryce’s Answer

Hi Samyukta,

In high school the easiest way to be successful is to give your best effort and reach out if you need help. If you do your work and get the help you need you will succeed in high school. College is a little more different to succeed in college you have to be a responsible person, because you won't have parents or teachers looking over your shoulder every minute. College you have to take responsibility for your work and make responsible decisions as you are living on your own for the first time. Time management is also a big key, as you will have a lot more free time but are expected to do a lot more work outside of class. The best way to handle time management is to make a schedule and stick to it. Also, in college if you are struggling a teacher is not going to reach out to you so you have to reach out if you need help. Lastly, make sure you are taking care of yourself mentally and physically. I hope this help!
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Linda’s Answer

Hi Samyukta. I agree that time management is key. If you need help in managing your time, seek out resources on campus that can provide you with some guidance such as Career Services, Learning Commons, Academic Support, etc. The names of these resources likely vary by university, but they should be available to get you started on doing your best in school and college life. Students sometimes hesitate to take advantage of the resources for a variety of reasons, but they can be truly beneficial to you.
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Wayne’s Answer

Hi Samyukta. You can definitely do you best in your school and college life. I definitely did!

Here are some tips that may help you. With the pressure of completing coursework, paying for school, and trying to enjoy your college experience, sometimes life can feel a little overwhelming to say the least. However, there are steps you can take to make sure you feel like a human, even when you are actually a busy, stressed-out college student.

Keep an Updated Schedule. This is a great way to make use of the calendar app on your phone. Take the time to add your class schedule for the semester as well as any due dates for your assignments. Set aside specific times throughout the week to focus on things like homework, laundry, gym, cleaning your room and taking care of bills.

Work Ahead (or just Don’t Procrastinate). By procrastinating you are allowing your to-do list to grow and grow into an intimidating amount of work. Once all that work has piled up, it will be even harder to motivate yourself to get started. Getting ahead on readings, papers, and other assignments will help reduce procrastination-based stress while allowing more time in the future for hanging out with friends or just relaxing with a weekend of Netflix binging. Resources like Course Hero—which offers study resources, online tutoring, and digital flashcards—can help you study ahead and compare notes to past students who’ve taken your exact courses before.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep. We regularly hear about the benefits of getting more sleep, from maintaining a strong immune system to improving our moods, but we seldom manage to actually implement this advice. Sometimes we get so entrenched in our work that the high amount of stress and large workload can keep us from getting enough sleep. If you really take the time to improve the quality of your sleep,your stress levels will go down and you will be able to think more clearly and make fewer mistakes in your work.

Prioritize Your Work. Organize your work in a meaningful way based on when projects, papers, and other work events are due. Recurring things like homework and studying are easier to schedule ahead of time, but sometimes papers and projects tend to sneak up on you. Make sure to check your syllabus to see how different assignments are weighted. Important assignments like papers and exams can make the difference of a full letter grade (or two!) for a class. Prioritizing assignments will allow you to focus on what is most important first, and then knock out smaller assignments afterward. Knowing you’ve completed a major project and don’t have to worry about it hanging over your head can also help you to feel more balanced and relaxed.

Make Time for Yourself. Whether this means spending time with friends, visiting family, or even just taking a moment to relax by yourself, it is important for your well-being to have some time set aside away from work and school. Once you have finished important tasks, be sure to find some way to treat yourself and clear your head.

Following this simple advice might not melt all your stress away, but it will help you stay sane while still maintaining a busy schedule. And remember, you don’t have to go through it all alone! Be sure to take advantage of all the resources at your disposal, including Course Hero’s homework help and study resources, counselors and other college staff and resources.

Good luck!
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Sarah’s Answer

Make sure to take care of yourself and make time for personal self care, activities you enjoy and manage your time between school workload and your personal life. Get involved in school events without overwhelming your schedule. Time management is so important. Create a routine and stick to it as best as you can. Take classes that interest you and you will enjoy. Try to find ways to enjoy and get excited about the classes you have to take that you aren't as thrilled about.
Lastly, think of the bigger picture. This is a small amount of time compared to rest of your life. Enjoy!