Sydney Cady
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How do you know what you want to become in your future?
#college #medical #career

How much coding is used as an Information Systems Major?
I know that developers are being sought after, but I never really got into coding besides basic javascript and html. Is this an area I should be focusing more in?
#career #college #JULY20

How do you build your resume during a pandemic?
I’m returning back to school in August, but I’m not sure how to stay involved with my community while also staying safe. As a hypochondriac, I fear contracting the virus, but I feel that it’s important to engage with clubs and activities in college. I want to gain as much experience and...

How can I learn to be empathetic, confident and outgoing in college.
#pre-med #july20 #july #college

What are your best study habit tips to give for future college students?
I struggle with staying focused and getting my assignments done for school. Not only that, but I also get easily distracted and end up eating and going on my phone for many hours instead of doing my homework. I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me tips on what YOU do to study and on...

Should I do 2 years of community college instead of going straight to a 4 year?
I was wondering if it was worth it going straight into a 4 year if I have the ability to go to community college. I don’t have funds for a 4 year university, but I am also afraid I won’t be as competitive wants I apply to medical school one day. I am just not sure what option is better....

What are some study tips to improve your SAT score?
#junior #highschool #JULY20 #college #help

How can a person do their best in their school and college life?
#school #medical-school #college

Internships for Computer Science major?
I graduated from high school this June and I will be attending college. I plan on pursuing computer science, and I would like to know what internships will be beneficial in the future, and when is the best time to start?
#JULY20 #college