What courses would you recommend every student should take before proceeding further with my job search?
Classes that people hiring for jobs or internships would be impressed to see an applicant has taken #business #engineering #law #marketing #economics
6 answers

Ron Goloubow, P.G.
Ron’s Answer
Along with courses specific to your choice of career, I strongly recommend taking technical and/or business writing classes. Good luck.
Horatiu G.’s Answer
This is a great question Sabine. I've said this to ever student I've advised ... QUANTITATIVE AND ANALYTICAL classes will get you far in any career and will impress recruiters. The assumption is that you're already tech savvy, but you have to be skilled in and comfortable with numbers ... mathematics, statistics, finance, data analysis ... employers love hard skills.
Miriam’s Answer
Statistics is a great course for any field that will deal with numbers. Also, an intro to computer science course and some sort of data analysis course- from a deep dive in excel and VBA to SQL or Python- will be impressive and applicable to many fields as it helps you to understand many of the tools you will use in your role.
I would also strongly advise a business communications course, not because it is specifically impressive on your resume, but because it will ensure that your communication through the interview process shows you as a polished professional.
Ryan’s Answer
Honestly, employers are most interested in classes that are relevant to their field. So if you're going into finance, employers are going to be looking for classwork and internship experience in finance. Same for engineering, and most other fields.
As you look into companies that are hiring, their job postings should have a list of the types of requirements that ideal applicants will have. If you have experience in these areas, be sure to highlight that. If you don't and still have time before you need to find a job, then take the time to find classes (either in-person or online at websites like Khan Academy or MIT OpenCourseware) and take as many as you can. If time is limited, then finding a way to share some of your experiences and skills in a way that demonstrates similarities is useful.
Finally, be very clear during your job search in what you're looking for. It's very easy to find a job posting that seems interesting, but isn't particularly relevant and spend a lot of time trying to fit that mold. Instead, spend the time applying and preparing for the jobs that make the most sense based on your experience and try and get a foot in the door. It may not be the perfect job, but getting the first job is the hardest; after that it's much easier to build from there, move about, and even change careers.
Best of luck!
Ana Cristina’s Answer
Hi Sabine, to be honest employers are most of the time interested in classes or experience that are relevant to their field. So it depends what do you want to study and which job you want to have in the future. I would say that business, finance and marketing are courses/classes that are a complement for every major because they give you a perspective of a business/company in general.
So any classes that you think are align or can be a good complement of your major and be useful for your future career then do it!!
Alyssa’s Answer
I recommend taking a class in business and an economics class. I think that it is important for anyone, in any role, to have a better understanding of both of these domains.
I also recommend taking classes that interest you, but might be outside of your major. There may not be another opportunity to take up a new language!