What classes should I take for a career in the medical field if I am a freshman in an undergraduate college?
I plan on becoming a medical doctor, and would like to know what classes should I take in my freshman college year. #college #doctor #graduate #medical-school
4 answers
Maria’s Answer
I would recommend to talk to as student advisor if available. However most med schools have the same requirements.
Here is a good article. Best wishes!
Rachel’s Answer
Richard’s Answer
Aside from this, any major is acceptable as long as you complete the prerequisite courses.
Typical medical school prerequisites include:
Biology: Lecture – 4 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
General Chemistry: Lecture – 2 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
Organic Chemistry: Lecture – 2 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
Biochemistry: Lecture – 1 semester
General Physics: Lecture – 2 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
Math: Statistics – 1 semester
English: Rhetoric (Composition) and Literature – 2 semesters
Try to take bio, chem, and physics as a freshman so you will have the subject on the MCAT under your belt before junior year.

Tamara Smith, M.S., CPLC
Tamara’s Answer
Hi Eugenia,
I would have to agree with Dr. Ramirez-Nieto on contacting your academic advisor. What is the school you are currently attending, if it is not a school with a doctoral program? Are you attending a two-year college to obtain some credits until your are absolutely sure what you want to major in?
Best of luck to you!!!