Is experience in internships more valued than grades in school to get into a college?
I am currently a high school student and my grades aren't the best however I have a lot of first hand experience in interships #college #doctor #nursing #internships #college-admissions #college-applications #grades #education-management
6 answers
Tommy’s Answer
I believe hands on experience can provide a lot more insight on a particular subject or field. Keep in mind grades and standardize test is the systematic process our country uses to assess the general public as a whole. What would be important for you, is to truly explain how your volunteer and hands-on experience ties in or is equivalent to the school, major, or field you are trying to pursue. It's important to really be specific as to how your experience has merit. Some colleges do consider prior-learning experience and will allow a person an opportunity to test out of a subject based on their prior (learning) experience.

Jamey Becker
Jamey’s Answer
The grades you earn and the courses you take the most important parts of your application.
Jona’s Answer
I believe that there is nothing that can ever substitute experience hence an internship program brings with it the valued experience for the intern as well as knowledge about the job you are doing. Grades are key to ensuring acceptability at all levels be it a career or a job opportunity. My advice is that you need to strike a balance between these two, experience and grades. If you feel you are not doing so well in your grades l suggest not to give up, at a certain point in time you will be asked about them. I suggest you create a program to work on specific areas in each subject. Create time to work through each subject matter and break down each area into meaningful content for you to be able to understand it.
I was reading last night from a book about Joshua the man who took over from Moses when he died and the title of that piece was 'A peak to peek experience' It literary talks about a period after Joshua's conquest of Jericho and his campaign against the cities located on the Judean ridge. Joshua's strategy was to gain a foothold on these mountain peaks from which the Israelites could carry out lightning like guerilla raids into the surrounding country to broaden their base. Joshua was up against 5 Kings marching from 1500 feet below sea level to 3000 feet above sea level, journeyed twenty-six miles under cover of darkness. Upon reaching the peak of the ridge, Joshua saw the five kings and their armies fleeing from him into the valley below. He got a glimpse of the peek, of a greater victory.
Joshua's 'peak to peek' experience was not unlike one you have probably had in your own life. A peak is a victory, a special accomplishment you have which enables you to get a 'peek '- a look at an even greater possibility.Every success in your life does this for you. Success is never final. It is always transcended! Just when you have reached the peak of your efforts, the top of your success, you realise and discover another opportunity. This is what l read yesterday evening and would like to share it with you.
I believe that when you use strategy to overcome any obstacles in life, you begin to realise and achieve your goals.
Sarah’s Answer
Aparna’s Answer
Your grades are the first criteria for college eligibility. If you are applying to colleges anywhere in the USA, every college system specifies certain GPA requirements. Are you able to make that eligibility? Are you taking challenging courses that count towards college? if you are keeping up with this basic eligibility requirements, your internships will boost to your application. Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many activities that interfere with you maintaining your grades. If you are taking too many activities, drop a few and focus on improving your grades. Try keeping activities that you are highly interested in or passionate about. It's not how many activities but how deep your involvement in these activities that matters. If your grades are not as good, you should talk to your guidance counselor and seek advice about repeating courses that you could improve your grades and boost your GPA.
Good luck! Believe in yourself and think positive!