Will studying Physics help me better understand the study of Atmospheric Science?
I've always wanted to study Atmospheric Science and get my masters in that degree, but my parents says it is smarter to get a degree in Physics first, then transfer to Atmospheric Science. Is this a smart move or will it be a waste of time? Is there another degree I could take to help my study of Atmospheric Science? #science #college-major #physics #meteorology #atmospheric-science
4 answers
Kenneth’s Answer
If you know you want to study and work in the atmospheric sciences, don't waste your time on a physics degree! You'll have to study calculus and physics, to a certain point, to better understand atmospheric processes, such as adiabatic heating/cooling, relative vs absolute vorticity, air mass density, funneling, and fluid dynamics.
Anne Harvey
Anne’s Answer
Physics is an important course of study for all of the physical sciences. It can't hurt, but in my opinion, if you are not that interested in pure Physics, it might not be all that valuable for you to major in. Atmospheric Science encompasses a number of fields of study, including Meteorology and Climate Science. I don't do this kind of work, so hopefully a more experienced scientist will respond. Here is a page from the U of Washington that explains what a degree in this field would entail. Looks like you'll get plenty of math and physics as part of the major: https://www.atmos.washington.edu/academics/undergrads/coursework.shtml
You should google "atmospheric science" "undergraduate" and see what other programs come up. Then you can compare all the requirements for a degree in this field.
Manuela Constantinescu
Manuela’s Answer
Learning Physics makes you better at everything! Atmospheric Science is a chapter of Physics.