With everything that is happening in the world today, what do you think we can do differently to help change the world or better yet, make the world a better place?
Coming to the United States, I never really understood why people say "let's make America great again". Was America never a great country and at what point was it great? I would just like to understand more. #criminal-justice #social-work #political-science #social-media
4 answers

Hira Anum
Hira’s Answer
Stay positive, your contribution to anything must be positive, honest and loyal to everything first of all.
Hira recommends the following next steps:
Kim’s Answer
I'm not going to talk about what one person means by saying "let's make America great again." I'm going to talk about what people feel when they hear that, and why so many people can relate to that statement.
Let's start with college education. When I went to school (1979-83), it was very common for middle-class families to pay for their children's education. That is no longer possible, because the cost of college has soared, and wages have plummeted. So now, today's youth are saddling themselves with debt, starting out life with a heavy financial responsibility.
Let's talk about wages. I have been in job placement for the last 7 years, watching professional people lose their jobs and then have to settle for a new job paying $10 - $15/hr. You can't support a family on $15 an hour, at least not with a middle class standard of living. Wages have been almost stagnant for those 7 years. Factories have shut down, and moved their business out of this country. People are losing their homes because their salaries are so low.
America used to be a country where people picked themselves up by their own bootstraps, and pressed on. Now people expect the government to fix all their problems.
Part of what "we" long for is simply nostalgia. Days when you could send your kids out to play, down the street, and it was safe, and nobody considered you a bad parent for failing to supervise your kids. We stayed out all day, and we came in when Mom flashed the porchlight or the streetlights came on. Days of roller -skating and bike riding, and simple birthday parties planned by your own mom, not some big fancy event at the pizza parlor for a 2 year old kid??? Days before this crazy competition of trying to keep up with the Joneses really took over this country. Seriously, why do elementary school kids need cell phones?
And then there were the protests. People protesting against the country stood WITH the country. They flew the American flag. Not anymore.
I know I am rambling, but basically it is about pride. Pride in self, community, and nation. WE came together like that for a very short time after 9/11. America was a frontier country, built by people with a strong degree of individual determination. If you ever get the chance to look into the eyes of a World War II veteran, do it. They all have the same look. I can't really describe it. Watch the way they stand to salute in the parades. These people raised my generation, and taught us to live within our means, to budget, and save, and plan. Sadly, my generation did not do a good job passing the torch. This country was in good economic times for too long, and we got soft and comfortable.
Things are not either/or. Just because someone thinks welfare should be curtailed does not mean they don't think we should support the elderly and disabled. But they do think that the definition of "disabled" should possibly be re-evaluated.
Anyway, I hope some of this makes sense. The people who voted for "that candidate" are not all a bunch of racist hate-filled people (although some are). Some of them just don't like the direction the country is headed, and voted for change. The same way Obama supporters voted for change 8 years ago.

Angela Chan
Angela’s Answer
"Let's make America great again" is a tag line - just like advertisers use on TV or radio. Tag lines are easy to remember and repeat, goal is to sell or persuade the audience to their point of view and often contains both truth and untruth in it. United States' history is complex and checkered - similar to many other countries in the world. There are many things we are proud of - first man on the moon, democracy and free speech, innovation and research and things we are ashamed of - slavery, Japanese internment camps, etc.
For most of us who work in social services, we have to believe our work will leave the world or those we work with in a better place. Some of us focus on the macro-level, working on policies and advocacy in areas such as human rights, environment, seniors, youth and children, etc. For others in the field, we focus on direct service in in the local community - working in schools, hospitals, local government, etc. There are lots of options in between too.
Having hope is important and being positive is helpful. The work in rewarding and fun most of the time.
Hope this helps,
Elaine’s Answer
What an interesting and thoughtful question. I think America is and always has been great. Sometimes we go through bumps but we get through them and come out the better for it. What you hear in our present election about making America great again is just to get people soon are frustrated and angry either about something going on in their life that they blame on the government or others, Despite what one of our candidates says about how to make it great again by not allowing immigrants in to our country, by allowing more guns on the street, about isolating America from the rest of the world, by bullying (which is affecting or young people now) and schools see bullying increased in our schools because of this candidates conversations, or country had been built on our ancestors being immigrants, on the values we have of helping each other,respecting each other, and being kind to each other........and Americans watching each other's back. This one candidate doesn't speak about that.....he only speaks hate,amber,bullying. He is a making who down man who never has done anything for anyone unless He could profit by it. He exposes fear and with people frustrated some follow him. That's exactly how Hitler got into power. We are a great country,always have been and always will be...