2 answers
What happens if a patient never wakes up from the anesthesia or we messed up something about them and made them disabled?
My job is a nurse anesthetist and I have many questions that I still do not know and would really love to know. #nursing #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse #healthcare #anesthesiology #nurse-practitioner
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2 answers
Hassan’s Answer
That'd be a really tough situation. Sometimes you may not be able to determine what went wrong. Hospital staff have insurance that may help compensate patients that are affected but that may not help your conscience. You're going to have to decide if you want a job that can seriously positively and negatively affect people's lives.
David’s Answer
Where are the plan is and always is for the patient to wake up. iMessage we all would like to believe that it always goes perfectly , And even if nothing is done incorrectly, sometimes things just happen unfortunately. We are working with human bodies and unforeseen variables.. however today’s anesthesia is safer than it’s been in all of history and what you have asked is extremely rare, but is the most asked question I get daily from my patients, am I gonna wake up? And I always tell them (jokingly) That’s the plan!