5 answers
What kind of careers would I be able to do if I major in Marketing? Would it be a helpful degree if I want to become an entrepreneur?
I am interested in a degree in Marketing and in starting my own business one day.
5 answers
Eletha’s Answer
Hello! There is so much you can do with a degree in marketing in business and Yes, it will be very helpful if you want to become an entrepreneur. Some career types would be: Social Media Marketing, Brand Management, Product Marketing and Analysis, Public Relations / Communications, or Event Marketing. This can apply to careers with a corporation or will be especially useful if you own your own business. The reason is that you have to know the "market" and individual buying habits to understand what drives people (consumers) to purchase your product or service. A degree in marketing for business will give you the proper skills and exposure to trends in the market that you need to understand in order to make the best decision. Good Luck in all you do !!

M’s Answer
Hi Jennifer! Definitely, I would argue you can get any degree with that entrepreneurial mindset. Look into what you are interested in and what aspect of marketing you can see yourself going into. Also, reach out to your school's clubs and other resources for additional tools and guidance. Good luck!
Janet’s Answer
Hi Jennifer,
I would start by considering what industry you would be most interested in marketing for. What are your interests? In sales, I work very closely with our retail marketing team. It's best to approach a marketing position in an industry you would like (ie. fashion? sports? health? tech?) to be most involved in. My husband has had a career in social media marketing and is now a creative director for an agency in NYC. His clients are anyone from Nike to Heineken. Good luck!
I would start by considering what industry you would be most interested in marketing for. What are your interests? In sales, I work very closely with our retail marketing team. It's best to approach a marketing position in an industry you would like (ie. fashion? sports? health? tech?) to be most involved in. My husband has had a career in social media marketing and is now a creative director for an agency in NYC. His clients are anyone from Nike to Heineken. Good luck!
Steven’s Answer
Marketing is an extremely important role within businesses. Basically Marketers collect/review data & insights about the market, product and industry, and from there set the overall strategies and tactics to best drive the business. Marking is the key link between Business Management and Sales. Marketing has changed alot over the years, as the amount if data available to make decisions has skyrocketed! It is extremely important that decisions are make based on data available.
Having said that, I recommend to anyone planning on a career in marking to have a very good grasp of available CRM, business and market data sources and how to make that useful in decision making. Thanks, Steve
Having said that, I recommend to anyone planning on a career in marking to have a very good grasp of available CRM, business and market data sources and how to make that useful in decision making. Thanks, Steve
Madi’s Answer
Hi Jennifer.
Firstly, there are many different things you can do with a marketing degree. You can be a fundraiser, social media manager, media planner, etc. Almost all companies have a need for people with marketing experience as that is how they get their brand the recognition it needs.
Secondly, having a degree in marketing can assist you in promoting your own business. You will know all the different ways to reach your customers and how to get them engaged with your brand.
Good luck!
Firstly, there are many different things you can do with a marketing degree. You can be a fundraiser, social media manager, media planner, etc. Almost all companies have a need for people with marketing experience as that is how they get their brand the recognition it needs.
Secondly, having a degree in marketing can assist you in promoting your own business. You will know all the different ways to reach your customers and how to get them engaged with your brand.
Good luck!
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