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I'm an editor and I want to share my edits online but sometimes I don't have the motivation or time to do so. What should I do?

How to keep myself motivated?

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4 answers

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Courtney’s Answer

Hi Kiana,

I am not a writer but I am in recruitment and my advice would be to think through what you are trying to achieve in a big picture for yourself with your editing and then set goals for yourself, you can keep these as short stint goals. It doesn't have to be long term ones. It can be mini goals each week or two that puts you somewhere you want to be in 3 months or 6 months. Your motivation could come through the wins of the min-goals and the positive feeling you get from hitting them.

You can build the posting into your weekly routine and then it becomes part of your day to day or week to week.

Someone above mentioned self care and that is true! You will lack motivation regardless of your passion if you are burnt out or not taking care of yourself. I would suggest depending on what you like taking time to go for a walk and get out of your head, listen to an awesome podcast or some awesome music. Go for an indoor or outdoor rock climb if that's something you enjoy, go for a random road trip and jam out, hit up the spa, or whatever it is that you enjoy that can let you clear your mind or think through your passions.
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Steward "Tony"’s Answer

I love writing as well Kiana, but motivation is where the heart is. Your obvious passion for writing should be looked at as an escape from the traditional world to your world. Your words should paint the pictures in your readers' minds, as they will know from them that you are giving all a gift as well as giving yourself the same as reward.

If time is an issue, then enlist the help of like-minded people, sharing credits when appropriate, even tutoring others as they assist in the development of your editorials. Writers sit in comfort and eagerly write/type away ideas before they vanish, much like stockbrokers who stand while on the phone, smiling as they close a deal (projection). The readers are hungry for the feeling of eagerness, of wanting to share your world, whether they know it or not. Their reward will be an honest one and set an expectation for your next entry.

Tony P.

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Dario’s Answer

Hi Kiana L,

Sometimes this happen also myself, in other fields but the concept is the same...

My tip is:
Set a weekly deadline.
For istance , should you try to do 1 pubblication for week.
Give to yourself a rule and notify your audience that you will share 1 article each week, so you will be more motivated to respect the rule.

I hope to helped you.

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Priya’s Answer

Hi Kiana,
I am not in the same field, but regarding motivation advice, check in with yourself if you are low on energy, feeling exhausted or burned out. If so, make sure to get some self-care in and build up the things that inspire you! I know for myself I may not have a lot of motivation for my art after a day of work but watching art videos and other artists inspires me enough to get started!