9 answers
How is communication with co-workers important?
What would happen if you don't have good communication with co-workers?
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9 answers
Shannon’s Answer
Without good communication of co-workers, patient care falls through the cracks. Things get missed or are left undone. Healthcare is a team effort from Housekeeping to the COO of the hospital. Our facility has daily multi-disiplinary rounds. We review each patient as a group to determine the best plan of care for that patient. People that attend these rounds include the providers (MDs, NPs), myself as Shift Coordinator, the Charge RN, Respiratory Therapy, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy (if available), Social Services, and our inpatient Pharmacist. Our House Supervisor (RN) also attends if possible, if she is unable to attend I update her on the plan for each patient shortly after. Following rounds, part of my role is to round on each patient with the provider to make sure the patients and their family understands the plan of care and to answer any questions they might have.
Chirayu’s Answer
Good communication with your coworkers in the workplace ensures everyone has the information they need to perform well, builds a positive work environment, and eliminates inefficiencies. Communicating effectively with coworkers is key to having a positive experience at work. You can do this by paying attention to nonverbal cues, listening to what others have to say, providing constructive feedback and lastly by participating in meetings. A lack of communication omits essential information or communicates unclearly or ineffectively. This can lead to poor coworker morale, ineffective project development and work habits and lastly wasted time and resources. It is always better to double check with coworkers and have a plan and set goals for the team and to talk it over.
Maria Fernanda’s Answer
Hi, Yuridia :)
Communication is key, whether in life, work, relationships, or any other aspect of life.
for example, it´s important that, if you are starting a project, they set up the correct expectations of the project, your role and how the team will work.
Also over-communication sometimes is needed when you are in a situation where stakeholders are anxious to get an answer or project done. If you don´t set up the correct expectations and also follow up acknowledging that you are working on something, they could think nothing is happening.
Talking about team environment, communication is crucial, to speak your mind, let them know what you think and how can the team be successful and viceversa, to empathize, do active listening and understand what other team members are feeling.
Communication is key, whether in life, work, relationships, or any other aspect of life.
for example, it´s important that, if you are starting a project, they set up the correct expectations of the project, your role and how the team will work.
Also over-communication sometimes is needed when you are in a situation where stakeholders are anxious to get an answer or project done. If you don´t set up the correct expectations and also follow up acknowledging that you are working on something, they could think nothing is happening.
Talking about team environment, communication is crucial, to speak your mind, let them know what you think and how can the team be successful and viceversa, to empathize, do active listening and understand what other team members are feeling.
Elliot’s Answer
Good communications with coworkers is extremely important for your career and growth. In the telecommunications industry specifically; the understanding is that you never burn a bridge with anyone, as that person may be your boss in the future. The industry is fairly small and people move around a lot. It is very common for someone who you bump into to know someone who knows you. Keeping good communication and a positive attitude will help you grow and be successful in your career.

Milly Carrillo
Customer Service | Center Management | Team Leadership | Vendor Performance | Sales Operations | Contracts | Projects
Sacramento, California
Milly’s Answer
Commuication is so important! I often hear, Team work makes the dream work! The skill of communicating is so essential at the workplace and with personal relationships. Its a skill that the more you learn about it and practice, it will only get stronger. Much success in life is attributed to communication. When conflict arises in the workplace or there is an opportunity with different communication styles, take these conflicts as learning opportunities to learn and understand. Be open to feedback to grow individually too. Remember, feedback is a gift. When we give and receive constructive feedback a person is afforded with opportunities to only get better.
Following is a great article:
30 Simple Habits To Help You Work Well With Others
Following is a great article:
30 Simple Habits To Help You Work Well With Others
Julie’s Answer
Hi and the fact that you are asking if communication with co-workers is important, clues me into thinking you are on your way to being a great communicator and already have some of those 'soft-skills'. Being a good communicator is often considered a 'soft-skill', as opposed to say being great at coding or accounting, however is equally important. I always considered co-workers as a form of a family and so it makes sense that open, honest, thoughtful communication is important. The honesty (and healthy) part is what is tricky - knowing how to present 'facts' often needs to be adjusted to the person or situation. Going back to the family analogy, one usually doesn't communicate the same with a parent as with a very young sibling or very elderly grandparent. For work communication or in my personal life, if the topic is kind of hard or sensitive I will write or type what I want to say first. Or say it first out loud privately. Studying or working remotely can make thoughtful, brief written or phone communication even more important. Hope this helps and there are many good resources on communication or you could ask a teacher who you like to communicate with for suggestions. Should be covered more in college or for new hires to companies, in my opinion. Best wishes!
Ekaterina’s Answer
Especially in the digital era when everything becomes enforced by technology, real offline human relations become extremely important and valuable. Prioritize in person chat in the kitchen to a chat in a messenger. Go to another floor to meet your colleague than just connecting in Zoom while being in the office. Human relations are king and technology will never replace the human touch.
Good relations with co-workers will help you move projects and will positively influence your mental health. Even if you faced unpleasant peers don't give up - work on these connections.
Good relations with co-workers will help you move projects and will positively influence your mental health. Even if you faced unpleasant peers don't give up - work on these connections.
Leonard’s Answer
For any industry, you always want someone to have your back. That backbone is your team. And it's important to communicate with your team and the teams that they support. It's an important chain. At Verizon, we're all about stakeholdering, meaning keeping teams in the know so they understand at any given time what's going on for a specific project of bigger campaign. One on one meetings are invaluable with each team member and then a group weekly meeting to keep connected on the priority projects. Using a project tracker helps so there's one document that serves as the source of truth for any given project.
ANDI’s Answer
Very rarely are you ever going to work totally alone, so communication is always vitally important so that information is passed down properly and things don't fall through the cracks.
Especially if you are looking into the medical / nursing field, patient care could be severely compromised if you are not passing down good information, be it verbally or through SOAP notes, etc.
Especially if you are looking into the medical / nursing field, patient care could be severely compromised if you are not passing down good information, be it verbally or through SOAP notes, etc.