4 answers
Is it really possible to get hired as a full-time corrections officer with no high school diploma or work experience of any kind?
Is this really an option for a full-time position with benefits?
4 answers
Brandon’s Answer
In the state of Florida, you have to have a high school diploma in order to become a Correctional Officer or a regular officer. For Correctional Prohibitional Officers you need to have at least a bachelor's degree. You then need to pass some additional tests in order to be considered. I'll link the requirements for Florida below.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
Blaine’s Answer
As far as I know you must have either a high school diploma or passed the GED. I recommend some college courses in English (report writing) and in basic corrections operations and procedures. The more education you have the greater the possibility of a successful career. There’s nothing worse than a peace officer who can’t construct a proper sentence. You will be required to write reports and document incidents. Officers who master these basic requirements are much better suited for career advancement. Besides these vital skills, one must have the proper temperament for this job. The stress is high and mental stability is tantamount.
a’s Answer
Yes and you can get full benefits good pay snd retirement plan

Michael Branham
Retired 40 plus years Officer to Chief (Director/Constable, as well).
Peoria, Arizona
Michael’s Answer
Good Morning, Tanya. Not in any state that I am aware of. A person with what is called a G.E.D. or General Education/Equivalency Diploma MIGHT be eligible to test for some positions, however you would need to ask one of the agency recruiters.
Best Wishes
Mike Branham
Best Wishes
Mike Branham
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