How to get admission in IIT for post-graduation?
I have completed my B.Sc. from #physics, now I want to pursue for my post-graduation. Is there anyone who can tell me that how to get admission in IIT to pursue for master’s? #masters #masters-degree ##india
7 answers
Srilekha’s Answer
hi Ravi ,
in order to get admission in colleges like IIT, to persue M.Tech, there are some eligibility conditions to clear :
(i) A bachelor's degree in engineering or science (4 year programme) or a master's degree in science with marks/CPI not below the specified minimum. For admission into M.Tech. in Biological Sciences and Bio-engineering, applicants having bachelor's degree in pharmacy/medicine/veterinary science with marks/CPI not below the specified minimum may also be considered.
(ii) A valid GATE score is required for admission to the M.Tech. programme in the case of regular (non-sponsored) candidates. The requirement of GATE score is waived off for the candidates with M.B.B.S. degree as well as for the B.Tech. graduates from IITs with a minimum overall CPI of 6.5 and a minimum CPI of 8.0 in the last two years in B.Tech.
Syeda’s Answer
Through IIT JAM, you can take admission in all the IITs as well as the IISc Bangalore. After your B.Sc the courses you can join are MS and MSc.You can attempt the exam in the third year of your Bachelor's program. The exam is typically held in February every year
Tarun’s Answer
Getting admitted to IITs is every student’s dream. But, for admission in IITs, one must clear an entrance exam.
Well, there are many other ways to get into IITs for other courses like M.Sc., M.Tech., MA in Humanities, PhD etc.
Below is the list of entrance exams through which a candidate can study at IITs without clearing JEE:
JAM 2021
GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
UCEED (Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design)
CEED(Common Entrance Exam for Design)
HSEE (Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Exam)
CAT (Common Admission Test)
Short Term Courses in IITs
Please refer below link for more details on these exams.
Abhinav’s Answer
please refer to this i am sure this will help. this is a personal experience of a guy.
The admission to MS in IITs is mostly based on the research attitude and therefore more emphasis is given interview instead of GATE scores or marks. Usually based on the requirements of the labs the admissions are made. The following would definitely help one to secure a MS position in IITs.
A good GATE score ( Need not to be as high as required for M.Tech)
A good academic recorded ( this have less impact for M.Tech admissions, as long as one have a good GATE score and above 60% aggregate in B.Tech degree, academic doesn’t matter much).
Good in-depth knowledge at least about one subject.
Good understanding of basics of other subjects (at least know the basic concepts and terminology)
Apart from all these one should have a good presence of mind. I mean, I had always issues with the questions need to be answered at the spot. Usually I know the answers and could answer all the questions that I could not in the interviews.
I attended interviews in almost all the IITs for PhD and felt that MS interviews are of same nature. Professors usually test students’ analytical skills, and ask question form the topics that we usually think hard and can skip during exam preparations.
The questions like why this simple term is also used for testing ones ability. For example if you are from computer science, professor might ask “what is the limit of signed Integer in C? We all know its 32768, now you may get the question why is this limit? There is always an answer for question starts with “why” in engineering so try to find out that kind of question to prepare for interviews.
If you do well in MS interview then it is almost give a ticket to IITs. Sometimes you may feel that you did not do well in interviews but you may also get a chance if some professors like your technical ability. Don’t give up just because professors are taking interview, if you are technically correct better to argue on the concept with polite manner.
A million Dollar Tip for MS admissions
First select a subject you want to focus on then visit the professors’ websites working in that subject and read about their research work. Get an idea about their work and tell interview without taking the name that given a chance you would like to explore that area and you see that only that professor would be asking you many questions. In short, direct interview to your interesting field or a field that you prepared for.
I hope this will help you all when you start running for IIT M.Tech and MS interviews. Wish you all a great luck ahead.
Jake’s Answer
Congratulations on completing your BSc in Physics and kudos on aiming to get a Master's degree from IIT. You have taken the first step in planning your career.
The question for you to figure out is - in which field would you like to get a Master's degree and what are the plans thereafter? You want to make sure its in a field that you have a passion and interest in and something that has a high potential from a career perspective.
There are several IITs in India (as you must be aware) and each one publishes their own admission requirements. for ease of reference, I have provided the links to IIT, Jodhpur that offers M.Tech in Bioscience and BioEngineering with a BSc degree + Valid GATE score. Other MTech degrees require a BTech or BSc Engineering degree.
However, I would suggest you also check other emerging degrees in fields like Data Science that is very valuable in today's Big Data and analytics field. As an example, here's the link to BITS Pilani that has a PG program in Big Data Engineering with minimum requirement of B.Sc with adequate mathematics and computation course curriculum. I'm sure there are other institutions providing similar course ware in other cities of India.
Incidentally this is an online program and will allow you to also be employed full time.
Hope this answers your question and you can proceed to do the appropriate higher education course of your choice.
Good luck
Master's Indian-institute-of-technology higher-education
Tina’s Answer

Satyesh Anand
Satyesh’s Answer
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