3 answers
Being home-schooled, will I have a hard time transitioning to college?
I've been home-school since the 7th grade because my family travels a lot. I'm worried that I will have problems transitioning because I haven't been in a classroom setting since the 6th grade. #college #future #life-transitions
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3 answers
Divyaa’s Answer
Hi! You might feel a little disconnected from professors because you have to try harder to make your presence known especially if you go to a college with a large student population. Make sure you are on top of your school work and ask questions if you have any. Try to join clubs and organizations that peak your interests to find friends!
David’s Answer
Given your path in life, you are asking a great question. Now that you have been home-schooled, you may want to make extended effort to increase your social interaction with as many people as possible. Get a high school job, volunteer, involve yourself in church activities ..... these will all allow you to increase your social interactions and mature at the same time. Good luck !!