3 answers
What classes should I take in highschool if i want to become a surgon?
I want to become a surgon I am going into my sophmore year and I want to know what is the best way to go if i really want to become a surgon
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3 answers
Paul’s Answer
Ava, I was very lucky. My parents were able to send me and my two brothers to college and go on to pay for two of us to go to medical school. Times have changed somewhat, and there now is some scholarship money available to medical students, but not enough for everyone, and not enough to pay the entire cost. If your family is not able to support you fully then by all means start to save what you can, and try to find jobs for when you have a vacation. You are still likely to need to borrow money to pay for much of your education, but many people have done this and gone on to lead successful and profitable lives. There is no reason why you cannot do the same. You are off to a good start with the information you are gathering now, so keep it up.
Paul S. Treuhaft, MD, MA
Paul S. Treuhaft, MD, MA
Paul’s Answer
The advice Michelle has given above is spot on target. As a retired surgeon let me add a few details. Preparation for medical school requires solid basic preparation in sciences. In both high school and college you should be sure to take courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics up through calculus, if you can manage it. If your high school doesn't offer all of these courses, be sure that you go to a college that does. You are at a good point in lie to work on developing good study habits, and if you do so, it will make it much easier for you to reach your goals. Be sure you set aside a suitable time to study when you are not too tired from other activities. At the same time, however, it is worth your while to explore any volunteer opportunities that can put you in contact with doctors, nurses, or other people who work in health care, such as lab technicians. All will have something to share with you. If you have a family doctor who knows you reasonably well it would be well worth your while to get in touch so that you have someone who might be able to give you advice along the way. It would also be worth your while to go to the library and as the librarian to recommend any books in their collection that are about any aspect of medical care. If there is one personal quality you can concentrate on while you are in high school it would be self discipline, and the best way I know of to develop this is through setting yourself a schedule and sticking to it. Your parents should be able to help you with this.
Paul S. Treuhaft, MD, MA
Paul S. Treuhaft, MD, MA
Michelle’s Answer
Hello, Ava !
What a great question ! It's wonderful that you have chosen a career interest and I am happy to share some advice for you !
While you are in high school, you can take a lot of health science classes such as biology, chemistry and any other's that your school offers. Your guidance counselor can help you decide on classes and you can read about what undergraduate colleges (the ones you want to attend for your Bachelors Degree) require for admission. These classes in high school will give you a good foundation and understanding for the courses you take in college. It is a process. You can read about what the recommended college majors are and take high school courses that may be similar. Also, get an idea of what doctors and surgeons do and that will spark some ideas about what classes would be good at this phase.
While you are in High School, ask a teacher about how to find out about clubs and groups at your school that participate in health related activities and events. Extracurricular activities will be important and you will learn very much about health. Something else you can do is seek volunteer work and I would suggest inquiring at the New Bedford Department of Health at the link below. You should visit them in person because they may not post all of their programs on their website. You can also take a CPR class there and get certified for it. See if there are any programs that you can participate in as a volunteer. It will be great if you can find a health focused extra curricular, but if you can't any club or group will be valuable.
Seek opportunities at the hospitals, too. Even though New Bedford Community Health doesn't mention volunteer opportunities on their website, they may have offers for you to work on activities and events. I advise going in person to their Human Resources Department to ask about this. Do the same at Greater New Bedford Community Health in person. Volunteer New Bedford is a citywide volunteer organization that may have opportunities for you to volunteer at a hospital. Also look at United Way of Greater New Bedford (link is below) and contact them about any opportunities for volunteer work for you. Do not hesitate to inquire at your high school guidance office and a school social worker for possible information about opportunities.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best in 10th grade !
THE NEW BEDFORD DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH https://www.newbedford-ma.gov/health-department/
What a great question ! It's wonderful that you have chosen a career interest and I am happy to share some advice for you !
While you are in high school, you can take a lot of health science classes such as biology, chemistry and any other's that your school offers. Your guidance counselor can help you decide on classes and you can read about what undergraduate colleges (the ones you want to attend for your Bachelors Degree) require for admission. These classes in high school will give you a good foundation and understanding for the courses you take in college. It is a process. You can read about what the recommended college majors are and take high school courses that may be similar. Also, get an idea of what doctors and surgeons do and that will spark some ideas about what classes would be good at this phase.
While you are in High School, ask a teacher about how to find out about clubs and groups at your school that participate in health related activities and events. Extracurricular activities will be important and you will learn very much about health. Something else you can do is seek volunteer work and I would suggest inquiring at the New Bedford Department of Health at the link below. You should visit them in person because they may not post all of their programs on their website. You can also take a CPR class there and get certified for it. See if there are any programs that you can participate in as a volunteer. It will be great if you can find a health focused extra curricular, but if you can't any club or group will be valuable.
Seek opportunities at the hospitals, too. Even though New Bedford Community Health doesn't mention volunteer opportunities on their website, they may have offers for you to work on activities and events. I advise going in person to their Human Resources Department to ask about this. Do the same at Greater New Bedford Community Health in person. Volunteer New Bedford is a citywide volunteer organization that may have opportunities for you to volunteer at a hospital. Also look at United Way of Greater New Bedford (link is below) and contact them about any opportunities for volunteer work for you. Do not hesitate to inquire at your high school guidance office and a school social worker for possible information about opportunities.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best in 10th grade !
Michelle recommends the following next steps: