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Dalton, Massachusetts
3 Questions
238 Karma

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Ted Sep 16, 2020 436 views

What's Computational Science?

Just wondering what it is and what you do with a degree in it


Ted’s Avatar
Ted Jul 23, 2020 666 views

I'm thinking I want to study something more technical at university next fall. How do I narrow it down?

I am undecided, so whenever I start describing what I want, it usually seems to me like "engineering", which I know is a broad topic. How do I pick a more specific subsection of engineering or even know if that's right for me? Can somebody explain what jobs you do with any sort of engineering...

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Ted Jul 23, 2020 579 views

I'm thinking that I want to study something more technical in university (next fall), but I don't know how to choose a more specific topic

Whenever I mention this, people sort of assume I'm looking for a pure hard science like just chemistry or just math or they assume Engineering, which I know is a very broad topic. How do I narrow it down to a more specific field? Has anyone had this problem and had a good method for finding out...