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Peter Ford

3 Answers
1585 Reads
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Nate’s Avatar
Nate Mar 18, 2021 502 views

What is the amount of classes that you have to take to have a major in training and education.

I am super athletic and I think that I would be a good trainer. I think that I would be a good educator that would help people.#education # training #university #nursing #occupational-therapy

Nate’s Avatar
Nate Mar 18, 2021 625 views

What classes should I take in high school to be a manufacturer?

I am a middle school student. I would like to be manufacturing. I think that I would be pretty good at this job. #school #student #manufacturer #classes

Piarra’s Avatar
Piarra Mar 18, 2021 488 views

Is doing math a big part of being an interior designer?

I am an 8th grader and I am doing research on different jobs that I might be interested in. #interior-design