Emma’s Career Goals
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College Application Process
Hi! I am a junior in high school, and I plan to apply to colleges soon. I was wondering if this community has any advice on creating the best application possible. I plan to focus on extracurriculars, achievements, and grades. Do you have any tips on how to create an application that stands out...

Requirements for a Behavioral Psychologist
Hello! I am in the 11th grade, and I plan to major in psychology. I am interested in pursuing behavioral psychology specifically, and I was wondering what degrees are needed to become one. What bachelors and graduate degrees are required? Would any particular minors be useful to take as well?...

Day in the Life of a Clinical Psychologist
Hi! I am a junior in high school who is planning to major in psychology. I was wondering what a typical day looks like for a clinical psychologist. What is the work environment like? Can you have a private practice? Also, what are the typical responsibilities that they must uphold? #therapy...

Branches of Psychology
Hello! I am a junior in high school who is planning to major in psychology in college. I was wondering which specific job would fit me best. I enjoy working with people one on one, and I’m not a fan of a large group atmosphere. I enjoy helping people, and being a support system for them. Also,...

Career Choice/ Career Path
Hi! I am currently a junior in high school, and I am starting to think about what I want to study in college. At school, I am interested in psychology and music. My hobbies include singing, acting, and reading. I also enjoy being a part of a mental health awareness club called “Mind Matters” at...