josh’s Career Goals
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What do you need to become a police captain?
I am so curious. #police #patrol-officer

what is the best thing about being a cop.
I am curios about it. #police #patrol-officer

Is their anything special about being a police officer?
I am curious about it. #police #law-enforcement #potrol #sherrif

what police options are their to be.
I am asking this question because i want to be one. I know that there are K9 units, motorcycle units, helicopter, bike, horse, etc... what others are there? #police #law-enforcement #police-officer

What factors should I consider between becoming a police officer or a sheriff?
If it matters, I live in an urban area (the bay area) #police #law-enforcement #police-officer

How much do you get paid as a : 1) police officer and 2) sheriff in California starting off?
Do different regions pay more and is there a benefit to joining one over the other? #police #law-enforcement