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John Avram’s Avatar

John Avram

performance and planning engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
O'Fallon, Missouri
4 Answers
2109 Reads
1 Karma

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Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Sep 29, 2021 584 views

How can computer science be useful in jobs that aren't necessarily centered/structured around technology and computers?

#computer-science #technology

Jiaqi’s Avatar
Jiaqi Sep 28, 2021 506 views

I am interested in computer hardware. What job I can do for this.

#computer I am 9th grade. I want to build my own storage server.

Yuquan’s Avatar
Yuquan Sep 28, 2021 460 views

Can I go into computer science field and not major in computer science? What other majors do you suggest?

#computer-science #computer-software #technology #10th grade

Kartik’s Avatar
Kartik Apr 21, 2021 677 views

I have a lot of interest in computers .what should I do

My name is Kartik, I learned web designing a few years ago, what should I do next .#computer