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Johnathan Irby, PMP’s Avatar

Johnathan Irby, PMP

Sr IT Software Development Specialist
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Memphis, Tennessee
1 Answers
834 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations


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Johnathan’s Career Stories

When you were a student, did you do anything outside of school to build skills or get knowledge that has helped your career?

I was a hobbyist game developer who worked on games after school and eventually started selling cellphone apps. Any and all experience will definitely give you a headstart when it comes to both school and your career for computer science.

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

I solve problems by investigating the issue and then determining whether it can be done with software or just talking it out.

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

I stumbled on game development by chance and learned that I was both good at it and could make a career out of software programming in general. I did not in fact know all along. Up until that point, I wanted to be a lawyer.