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Rock Hill, South Carolina
2 Questions
91 Karma

Lori’s Career Goals

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Lori Nov 03, 2022 440 views

why not make a career at home?

why do people think having a perfectional career is all people can do or want in life? to be honest I want to be a housewife I want to stay home and take care of my house and my baby because that is a job as well as all these other ones that were listed.

Lori’s Avatar
Lori Nov 03, 2022 693 views

why have a career when you can make one at home?

why do people think having a perfectional career is all people can do or want in life? to be honest I want to be a housewife I want to stay home and take care of my house and my baby because that is a job as well as all these other ones that were listed.