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Kara Feeley’s Avatar

Kara Feeley

Registered Nurse
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
San Diego, California
2 Answers
1375 Reads
31 Karma

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CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jan 06, 2023 546 views

How can I become a registered nurse?

What does the path look like to become a registered nurse? Are there specific classes I need to take?

This question was asked by a student anonymously

Sadie’s Avatar
Sadie Jan 08, 2023 924 views

What nursing internships or jobs can I get after my first semester in nursing?

What internships or jobs can I apply for after my first semester in nursing school to give me more experience? I was told by a friend I could become a patient care tech/intern for the summer but I wanted to explore all possibilities.