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Saeid Loghavi’s Avatar

Saeid Loghavi

Graduate Research Assistant at Georgia Institute of Technology
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
3 Answers
18264 Reads
1 Karma

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Jalen’s Avatar
Jalen Feb 10, 2017 1129 views

How much does an engineer make a year?

I heard that an engineer can make up to 125k a year. Is that true? What types of engineers would qualify for that? How do I know if I could do that? #engineering

Yashna’s Avatar
Yashna Oct 22, 2016 871 views

What is it like for a female to work in a male-dominated industry?

I'm a female interested in Mechanical Engineering #engineering #mechanical-engineering

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 24, 2016 16488 views

How and why did you choose mechanical engineering?

The reason I want to pursue mechanical engineering is because of my time spent with Girls Who Code over the summer. I spent seven weeks learning to code and I really like what I can do. I know that I have a big interest in robots and I looked into mechanical engineering and am considering that...