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Memphis, Tennessee
2 Questions
61 Karma

Kaira’s Career Goals

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Kaira’s Avatar
Kaira Jan 24, 2018 893 views

What careers should I look into if I like to help people?

I am currently a senior in high school and I go to college in the fall of 2018. I am still unsure of what I want to major in, but I do know I love to help people. Many people tell I am helpful and I also tutor and volunteer a lot within my community. I was wondering what careers deal with...

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Kaira Jan 24, 2018 654 views

When is the best time to pay back a student loan?

Hi. I’m asking about student loans because I am currently a senior in high school and I plan on going to college. College is expensive and I’ve applied for many scholarships but I’m not sure if that’s enough money. I think I might have to take a loan. If I do I want to know when is the best...