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Fresno, California
2 Questions
101 Karma

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Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 21, 2018 961 views

In what ways could I better prepare for law enforcement or fire academy?

I am preparing to go into both police and fire academy (one after the other). I have a degree in Criminology and have taken fire science courses at my college. I attend a weekly workout program through a local agency. Do you have any other suggestions on ways to prepare or different subjects to...

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 21, 2018 1002 views

How do you handle conflict surrounding the job?

I am in the application process for a couple of different law enforcement agencies. I still live at home and have family members who are current or retired law enforcement. I have tried being open about the process and how it will work after I graduate from academy, but there is no way I'm...