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Brenda’s Avatar


Woodside, CA
4 Questions
260 Karma

Brenda’s Career Goals

I would love to possibly consider being a therapist ( or any job to help people with mental health) and I would like to have a career like this because I LOVE to help people out especially if people have very big problems. I also like the idea of being some sort of underwater photographer (maybe even a marine biologist) because I really love the ocean and learning more about what's in the waters, plus, the pictures would come out amazing.

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Brenda May 03, 2019 621 views

How can I figure out what type of path and what types of classes in school to take to help me with my career in the future?

#ideas #work #school

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Brenda May 03, 2019 524 views

How can I determine the amounts of shifts/hours of work for being a therapist/any person to help with mental health or a marine biologist/ underwater photographer and how can it overtake someone's life (will it take a lot of time out of their day?)

#curiosity #science # helpful

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Brenda Apr 26, 2019 639 views

How can I get the help that I need in order to work for my goals to get the job/career that I want to do?

-How much school I need
-Info that I should know
-details in what will be included
#career #ideas #creativity

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Brenda Apr 25, 2019 901 views

How do you know what career you want to do?

ideas of career: helping environment/helping people #helpful