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Tika Hall

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Protective Service Occupations
Kennesaw, Georgia
1 Answers
5912 Reads
1 Karma

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Tika’s Career Stories

What is the most useful piece of career advice you got as a student, and who gave it to you?

Be more of a LISTENER and less of a RESPONDER. Ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS the RIGHT WAY and you’ll get all the information you need. Be sure to build a rapport to establish TRUST.

What is it like when your job gets tough?

Always maintain professionalism. Table a conversation if there is no immediate resolution—always THINK with a clear mind objectively and fairly. Make sound, effective decisions to move forward and compete the task efficiently and effectively.

What is the biggest challenge you had to overcome to get to where you are now professionally? How did you overcome it?

Persistence. Trust what I believe That I capable of and disregard negative input from outsiders—and for every thought of fear I may Have, I find A resolve to overcome that fear. YES I CAN!

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

Never let anyone tell you what you CANT do!

How did you start building your network?

Learning more about my craft AND learning how to effectively do the job responsibilities in case of an emergency. I believe In TEAMWORK. We are all in this together.

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

I didn't—my career picked ME! I have Always been good at researching and studying. I have practiced the Socratic and Plato methods since I could Talk. I was Always asking WHY? If no one could answer, I’d find out on my own and support my theories with how I arrived At my answers. It’s been in me all along, I was Just unaware of it and didn’t know how to label it. And I’ve ALWAYS been a writer. I took Notes on EVERYTHING and I LOVED to read—reading was my way of escaping my reality—writing poems and short stories came to me so naturally. I could Create characters in my head and give them LIFE. Til this day I sleep with several pens and pads on my bed in case something came to me in a dream—or if I started To day dream. That’s when I learned That I had The gift of writing and I loved literature fiction, non-fiction, autobiographies, fables—anything. As I grew older and started tutoring students, I learned That I had the Gift of actually becoming characters in a book—children LOVED my story time. As an educator, I would even Dress up as the main character and interact with children and students as that character. Engagement is POWERFUL—no matter the age. It creates a fun learning environment—and students/people were able to retain information. THAT is learning to me.

When you were a student, did you do anything outside of school to build skills or get knowledge that has helped your career?

Yes; in my everyday life (home or college) I practiced And enhanced my craft of EFFECTIVE listening and EFFECTIVE communication. I allowed Myself to get to know people from different backgrounds, ethnic groups, religions and geographical areas. What I learned Is that NO ONE is “wrong” about their philosophy of life—different, but never WRONG. Truth is Subjective—and I truly Believe that carrying that into my professional career allowed me to express myself in a manner that was less offensive when it came to matters of documented PROOF. It’s made my job quite easy if I must say—I love people In general, I lobe Learning, I lobe Learning about a person’s life experiences and also share my own. Working is like making new friends—and mentor ship.

Did anyone ever oppose your career plans when you were young or push you in a direction you did not want to go?

No. Not ever. I didn’t allow it—I never Bothered to share it with anyone in particular because I was “Flowing & Growing” in what I did so well that there was never time to for me to share it. And even I DID want to share it, I wouldnt Be influenced by someone who may have disagreed. I know What I do Best.

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

I investigate and interview. I compare And contrast statements given, re-evaluate, look at the “history” of all parties involved, I take photos, and research to determine if this has ever happened before. I establish a Rapport with all parties involved, I review photos and surveillance video and oftentimes, conduct surveillance

When did you get your first Big Break? How did you get it? How did it go?

My 1st BIG BREAK was when I became An educator, my 2nd big break was into the auto industry as a licensed Adjustor and my FINAL big break is where I am Now: only I interview face to face and conduct surveillance incognito. It a LOT of fun putting puzzle pieces together