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Dmitriy Grinshpun’s Avatar

Dmitriy Grinshpun

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
New York, New York
3 Answers
3023 Reads
1 Karma

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Robert’s Avatar
Robert Dec 05, 2019 549 views

What other fields besides pharmacy tech do you think I should look into?

#pharmacy #pharmacist

Max’s Avatar
Max Dec 06, 2019 1146 views

Medical Field with a business degree?

I am expected to graduate in May of 2020 with a bachelor's in Integrated Business. I am at a loss for the business world and don't feel challenged at all. I was considering maybe switching up to a career in the medical field. I was looking into Pharmacy or maybe becoming a PA? I know this all...

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Mar 27, 2018 1812 views

What are the best strategies for finding and securing residency programs for after pharmacy school?

For pharmacy students interested in pursuing a residency program after pharmacy school, it can sometimes be challenging. What are some effective strategies in going about the residency search? #pharmacy #pharmacy-student #pharmacy-residency