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Scott McComas’s Avatar

Scott McComas

4 Answers
3685 Reads
1 Karma
Dayalis’s Avatar
Dayalis Nov 08, 2019 829 views

what type of languages/code do user interface developers use

#programming #tech #coding #language

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Dec 03, 2019 1682 views

What are the types of tools used as a Forest Ranger?

Hardworking, intelligent trustworthy and dependable #forestry

JASHAWN’s Avatar
JASHAWN Dec 04, 2019 546 views

what all states can u be and FBI

#college #career #education #criminal-justice #tuition

ilya’s Avatar
ilya Nov 20, 2019 685 views

what is done in the botany labs

I like handling plants and experimenting with chemicals
#college #chemical-engineering