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Can a person burnout in real life?

If a student stays up till 12 am each day in high school doing homework, is there a point in time when the body cannot maintain these standards anymore, and we loose steam somewhere in college or grad school #high-school-students #work-life-balance #high-school-classes #school

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Daniela’s Answer

Yes, Charles. A 2013 study found that high school students can experience serious mental and physical health problems, from higher stress levels to sleep deprivation, when assigned too much homework (Galloway, Conner, & Pope, 2013).

According to the National PTA and the National Education Association, students should only be doing about 10 minutes of homework per night per grade level. But teens are doing a lot more than that, according to a poll of high school students by the organization Statistic Brain. In that poll teens reported spending, on average, more than three hours on homework each school night, with 11th graders spending more time on homework than any other grade level. By contrast, some polls have shown that U.S. high school students report doing about seven hours of homework per week.

Much of a student's workload boils down to the courses they take (such as advanced or college prep classes), the teaching philosophy of educators and the student’s commitment to doing the work. Regardless, research has shown that doing more than two hours of homework per night does not benefit high school students. Having lots of homework to do every day makes it difficult for teens to have any downtime, let alone family time.

Learning should be fun, not mundane and cumbersome. Homework should only be given if its purposeful and in moderation. Equally important to homework is engaging in activities, socializing with friends and spending time with the family.

Most adults don’t work a full-time job and then go home and do three more hours of work, and neither should your child. It's not easy learning to balance everything, especially if you're a teen. If your child is spending several hours on homework each night, don't hesitate to reach out to teachers and, if need be, school officials. 


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Djaja’s Answer

Yes, I burn out through out the stages of my life.

Stage 1 - After finished high school, I was burn out from my study and hometown, I am from Medan, Indonesia. I was so tired of my hometown when I know there a big world out there. So I went to the U.S for a college

Stage 2- After I finished College, again I was burn out from studying. But mostly scare because I need to face the real world of finding a job. But I was determined to find a good job. My strategy was sending out 20 resumes per week and did a networking. I kept doing it for 3 months. And, finally I land a good job.

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Hannah’s Answer

Absolutely. Education is a wonderful thing to pursue but it's also extremely draining and hard on students. There really needs to be an overhaul of how it works, but that's a different conversation.
Students are some of the highest amounts of people who experience burn out, especially in this day in age where you are trying to balance life, work, and school as well as immense global unrest.
Make sure you are trying to focus on yourself and your mental health. Take yourself out for a treat, go for a walk, play a video game, watch that show you've been putting off. Do something to break from the never ending cycle. If you have to drop a class, there is no shame in that. Do not let the pressures of education and the job market replace your importance.
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Estelle’s Answer

Yes, burnout is possible. However, it's more likely that you will get better and more efficient at studying as you get more experience. Education gets so much more interesting the closer you get to finishing and getting a job. Be sure to exercise and eat well to reduce your stress.
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Alli’s Answer

Hi Charles,

Yes 100%!

  • High schoolers have proven to be burnt out from school due to stress, sleep depravation, unrealistic expectations, extracurricular commitments, homework, etc. I was incredibly burnt out during high school due to sleep depravation and extracurricular commitments. On top of that, I wasn't thrilled about Academics at that age. I found the best way to re charge was to commit to a consistent sleep schedule, eat healthy and be more picky with my extracurricular commitments so I wasn't over booked.
  • College students are also burnt out due to going off to school whether it is in a different town or state for the first time in their lives. It is hard to adjust to eating healthy and cooking for yourself, balancing the school workload, making new friends, etc. but there is also an element of excitement from everything going on which makes College so fun! Again, looking back, I would have told myself to sleep more, exercise and eat healthy!
  • As a working professional, I feel like getting burnt out is easy to do since I love to work and if I am committed to making something happen, I will do anything and everything it takes to do it. I've learned (even in this past year!) that if you prioritize yourself first with time, your needs, etc. that you will be successful.

An example: I travel every single week for work. Travel can cause you to eat unhealthy, lose sleep and be stressed due to changing environments. I found that my optimistic attitude gets me through anything and even if I am on the road, I will still put a bed time around my schedule, prioritize working out by running outside or even walking (mental clarity) and eating healthy is super important as it effects your energy and brain! The most important thing I've learned is to put a time restriction on when I'm working. Start at 8am and close my computer at 6pm. No questions asked. I will voice this personal rule to my team as well so they know not to call me at 11pm for something work related! If you stay true to you, your needs and communicate the importance of that to your team, you will be successful! You deserve it! Don't let anyone ever let you think differently. Its your life so you live it the way you need to and never feel guilty for that.

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Brandon’s Answer

Everyone, regardless of their age can burnout from anything. Most of it stems from the amount of stress that they put on themselves with either the intensity of what it is OR from the sheer quantity. I know when I was a student in high school and in university I definitely put WAY too much stress on myself. However there are obvious problems that come try to resolve them. If you don't do them fast enough, you won't be able to submit assignments on time. If you finish them to quickly you become more stressed and risk burnout even more.

Solutions can differ since many schools differ in homework quantity (mostly because of the teachers). If I was you, I would try to learn better learning habits such as knowing when to do assignments and make a schedule of when you should do them. That is something that really helped me out considering I would be one of those people that would procrastinate.

In the attached link is about 11 Good Study Habits. Hope it helps!
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Simeon’s Answer

Yes, it happens all the time. People are each different, but we all have emotional limits that will dry us out if we keep trying to push past them. Balance is an important skill to learn early on. You can only do so much and then you need to take care of yourself as a person instead of just as a learner. That's part of what's missing with all the pressure on students to be perfect these days: they're also human beings who have much more value than their academic performance.