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Common interview questions

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Brianna’s Answer

Depending on the type of role you are applying for the interview questions can differ. It is common for interviewers to ask behavioural type questions that start with "tell me about a time when..." and will have a follow up to gauge your leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

When answering these questions it is important to remember the STAR method.

  1. Situation - Briefly describe the situation and the problem you were solving for
  2. Task - Explain what tasks were involved
  3. Action - List out the actions you took
  4. Resolution - What was the result/outcome of your actions

When responding to these questions, it is important to highlight what YOU did in the situation. While teamwork is important, when interviewees describe the tasks and actions generically it is hard to tell what role they played in the resolution. Remember, an interview is a chance to highlight your skills and qualifications and you are your number one advocate in this situation.

Aside from being prepared to answer these questions, I find it very impressive when the interviewee also comes prepared with thoughtful and unique questions for the interviewer.

Be original, authentic, and bring the best version of YOU to the table when interviewing!

Brianna recommends the following next steps:

List the top 5 things you have accomplished that highlight the skills you want to portray in an interview
Practice answering behavioral type questions using those 5 examples under different types of questions to understand how to tailor and adjust your answer based on the question itself
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Doc’s Answer

Hi David, do you have a job interview coming up?

Do you have a job interview coming up? Are you prepared? The best way to get ready for an interview is to take the time to review the most common interview questions you will most likely be asked. Interviewers will ask questions about you to gain insight into your personality and to determine whether you're a fit for both the job and the company. These are open-ended questions which will give you the opportunity to show the employer that you're well-qualified for the position.


Before you attend a job interview, it's important to find out as much as you can about not only the job, but also the company. Company research is a critical part of interview preparation. It will help you prepare to answer interview questions about the company and to ask the interviewer questions about the company. You will also be able to find out whether the company and its culture are a good fit for you.


√ Can you tell me something about yourself?
√ Why did you apply for this job?
√ What kind of work experience do you have?
√ Why should we hire you (and not someone else)?
√ What are your goals in five years time?
√ Tell me about your greatest achievement.
√ What motivates you in work?
√ What are your salary expectations?
√ When can you start?
√ Do you have any questions?


The last question you will always be asked during an interview is whether or not you have any questions for the interviewer. This is your chance to really stand out–so don’t blow it by saying you don’t, or that your questions have already been answered. Even if you don’t have any questions–there’s always a question you can ask at the end of an interview.

Keep a list of at least three to five questions in the back of your mind so that no matter what, there are at least two questions you have to ask at the end of the interview. As a recruiters I actually enjoyed getting to answer some questions at the end of an interview. Once this part is over, you can rest easy and walk out of the interview knowing you aced it!

Due your homework David, get on the companies website and find out as much as you can about where your interviewing.

Good Luck
Thank you comment icon Tasneem, It's not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important. What is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself. Doc Frick
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Blake Ashley’s Answer

Hi David,

Common interview questions include "What is your greatest strength" and "what is your biggest weakness". For these, you want to mention things that you do well, and things that you recognize you need improvement on and the steps you are taking to work on it. You may also be asked what you like to do in your time outside of work, which I believe is one of the most important questions an interviewer will ask. People want to work with people that they like on a personal level, and this is a great time to show future employers that you are a well-rounded and well adjusted person.



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Sanjay’s Answer

As other responders have stated, interview questions vary greatly by the role and the company with whom you are interviewing. Regardless, there are some common traits that most hiring managers would look for when interviewing any candidate and you should strive to portray these qualities throughout your interview. Remember, interviews are not perfect, but the interviewers are trying to get a sense of whether they could see you fitting in to their team and get a sense of what it may be like to work together.

When I have hired for any role, I have always looked for the following:

  1. An ability to think on your feet -- many interviewers will ask candidates questions to get them to show how they can process new information and formulate a logical response. It's important to show that you can take information in and come up with reasonable ideas. Many of these questions have no right answer, but show that you can think quickly. The best tips here are to take some time to pause and consider the question and don't feel like there's a single answer that you must come up with.
  2. Communication skills -- nearly every job requires you to be able to communicate clearly and effectively. How you carry yourself and speak are very important. Take all steps to calm your nerves... one way I have done this in the past is consider the interview to be a learning experience for you. After all, it's just a conversation with another person.
  3. Structured thinking -- in addition to being able to think quickly, it's important to show a structured thought process. If you're asked to talk about a solution to a problem, clearly articulate the steps needed to get there. It's important to explain how you would solve the problem in a very specific set of steps as opposed to just jumping to the answer. Again, many times, the answer is not what matters, it's conveying how you think.
  4. Empathy -- at the most basic level, the success of workplace hinges on getting a group of individuals to work together. Having examples where you have been able to show empathy for others (in the workplace or simply in your personal life) give teams confidence that you will be able to fit in with a variety of people.
  5. Self-awareness -- nobody wants to hear that someone is good at everything and has no way to improve. That is not true of any human being. It's important to be able to speak about ways you plan on improving (on whatever dimension you identify) and how you see this company helping further that journey.

Much of the advice in prior answers about researching the job sector and preparing for the specific questions that may arise is spot on, but the traits above should permeate any role you pursue.

Sanjay recommends the following next steps:

Practice interviews with family members or friends who have hired people in the past (practice makes perfect)
Research industry-specific interview practices
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Dave’s Answer

Interviewers can be pretty wide ranging when it comes to their questions. Some use the most formal of questions such as:

  1. What experience do you have in the field you are applying for?
  2. Tell me about your last job and day to day schedule.

Some interviewers, such as myself like to try and make the candidate feel a bit more relaxed as this is a stressful time for the person. A stressed out person is less likely to answer precisely and honestly, which is not what you want. This is when I like to throw in questions such as:

  1. Tell me about a time that you were extremely happy and what was it.
  2. What was your favorite breakfast cereal as a kid?

I hope some of these help you and good luck with your future endeavors!

Dave recommends the following next steps:

Jot down notes on such subjects that might be asked like previous experience, and greatest strengths and weaknesses.
Take a deep breath and just relax. A lot of times, the interviewer is nervous too.
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Blake’s Answer

What's your greatest strength? What's your biggest opportunity?
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Taylor’s Answer


  1. This will depend on job you are interviewing for. Some common questions you may across would be: Can you tell me a little about yourself? How did you hear about the position? What do you know about the company? What are your greatest professional strengths? What do you consider to be your weaknesses? They may ask for examples of a time that you had to deal with a challenge and how you overcame that challenge, or a time you went above and beyond. Come prepared with examples and do you research on the company before you go in for you interview. I hope this was helpful!

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Krista’s Answer

Outline your skills in various scenarios, but do not be afraid to ask an interviewer questions. For example, ask what 3 skills sets have you seen an individual succeed in the position followed by what 3 areas have you seen an individual struggle in this position. From there, pivot and reassure them how you will not struggle in those areas. It's a very revealing question, and surprisely it makes the interviewer think about what they really want in a candidate. Be confident, and you will succeed. Best of luck to you!
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Pro’s Answer

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What can you contribute to this company?
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
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Maricela’s Answer

Hi David

The company I work for has a great guide for interviewing. Below are a few common interview questions I have used from that guide while conducting an interview. These are also questions I have been asked while I am the one being interviewed for a job.

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What do you have to offer this job/organization?
  3. Why should I hire you?
  4. What is your greatest strength? How would you best apply this strength to a management position?

I encourage you to do some research on the job you are interviewing for. Knowing as much as you can about the job will let the interviewer know you are truly interested in the job.

I hope you find this helpful.


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Eric’s Answer

A common interview question usually in the beginning of the interview is "Tell me a little bit about yourself" I believe this is the most important question in an interview. Your answer should be honest and should relate to the job expectations. For example if you're interviewing for a job in Customer Service, then your answer to the first question should explain some of your social qualities....i.e. "I like to help people"...."I am a patient person"

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Alexandra’s Answer

Hi David,

Every employer is different but here are some common interview questions:

  1. Tell us about a time you took on a challenge and how you managed it
  2. Why did you become interested in working for us?
  3. What are your strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Describe yourself with 3 words
  5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years
  6. How would you describe what you do to someone who has no experience in your field
  7. How do you respond under pressure?
  8. What do you like to do for fun?
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Simeon’s Answer

Usually interview questions are around stress management, leadership, teamwork, and learning from mistakes. It can be easier having to respond on the spot if you've got five true stories from the last two years of your life that you can point questions to. Make sure that they are different from each other so you can cover a broader range of questions. It'll reduce your anxiety about having to be spontaneous under scrutiny.