How easy is it to pursue extracurriculars while double-majoring?
Considering a double major. Considering. As a person double-majoring, do you have time for anything else? #college-major #majors #college-majors #double-major #extracurriculars #choosing-a-major
4 answers
Maria’s Answer
Hi! I double majored and did extracurricular in college too. I think, first, it depends on what your majors are. If both your majors involves you spending a majority of your time in a lab (like a science/ engineering) majors, it can be challenging, but even then it can be done! You will get to choose courses and know which semesters are more and less busy. So, I would be involved in extracurriculars the whole time, but maybe take a leadership role in an easier semester. Hope that helps :)
Lauren’s Answer
Hey Abby,
First off completing a double-majoring is extremely impressive. It can seem difficult to juggle your course-load. However, remember the college is 25% what you learn in the classroom and 75% what you learn outside. From my experience, with basic time management, it can be fairly easy to pursue extracurriculars. While at college, I was a double major and was a part of the rowing team. There were quite a few late nights, but I made sure I was enjoying as much as I could outside of the classroom. Don't be afraid to try new things and if the extracurriculars become too much, you can always cut back. Another option is finding extracurriculars that relate to either of your majors. Getting involved in something similar to what you study can introduce you to people with similar interests, study groups, and help you decide if you truly enjoy that major. Definitely get involved outside of the classroom!
Julia’s Answer
Hi Abby,
This is a great question! As Maria said, it really depends on what you're majoring in. I doubled in Finance and Information Systems, and decided to take an extra quarter to spread out my course load. I was involved in a ton of extracurricular activities, and can definitely say they made an impact on my ability to lead, and get a full-time job offer after graduation. You don't necessarily have to "choose" between double-majoring and extracurriculars. I would suggest finding a healthy balance between the two if you decide to go that route.
A common misconception about college is that you should be involved as much as possible. In reality, recruiters want to see you making an impact in a leadership position. You can easily prove this by taking a leading role in ONE student organization that you are passionate about. That should leave time for you to study, while staying involved and engaged with your campus community.
Best of luck!