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is being in a computer program hard

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12 answers

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Zack’s Answer

As far as I know, a human cannot be in a computer program unless it is the movie Tron. Just kidding!

This question is difficult to answer. Hard compared to what? What is your level of interest in programming computers? Have you started already?

College (and life in general) is as hard as you want it to be. Every individual will have various strengths and challenges, and there are a million variables in life and college that are unpredictable. What I do know is that your teachers are going to have the most impact of how interesting something is, and in turn how "hard" it is. A great teacher can make a dull subject magical, and despite being a difficult journey, the reward of learning will make it not feel hard.

In short, if something interests you deeply and you have great teachers or mentors to learn from, then it will not be "hard". It may be challenging or difficult, but your enthusiasm for the subject will make those difficulties more palatable.
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Daivish’s Answer

Very good question to identify the carrier choice for your self.

I would recommend to sign up for small courses to take a feel for it and try to understand the basic programing and fundamental courses first. That will allow you to know about your interest and it's always important with good practice and different level of programing exercise will make you comfortable in programing . Once you follow above and your find interesting enough to learn more the way to continue on it.

Everything will looks difficult until you try and practice for it, So the key is keep practicing for it to get confidence and good at it. Once you find interesting then you can continue doing about it.

Very good question every individual will get it first difficult on programing but developing interest on it and continue doing it will help be expert on it.
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Sachin’s Answer

It really depends. if you like solving problems , designing creative solutions, building things then Programming can be a lot of fun. If not maybe not a good avenue to pursue. a good software engineer / developer can be highly sought after by top companies.
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Gaby’s Answer

It depends on your character. It can be fun or a burden. If you like science, solving puzzles, analyzing, thinking you will have fun as a software developer. The most important is Motivation, then persistence and dedication, then believe in yourself, then the love to understand how things work, how to resolve problems. You will need to know and like math and be ready to spend long hours with the screen. If you are looking to make money and have a secure position go to Software engineering, money will help you feeling good. Any area needs software and will need more and more. Good Luck, Gaby
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Wayne’s Answer

Hi Kaiden,

Did you mean is being a computer programmer hard? If you know how to program and program well, no. For the most part, it's not hard to learn to program. It's also not that hard to become "a programmer" professionally. I've known many incompetent people who make a very good living at it. Just keep up on the latest buzzword technologies and you can make a good living as a programmer.

Good luck!
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Ryan’s Answer

Great question. I'll start off by saying, it certainly takes work. But, like anything, if you work at it you will get better. I have begun learning Python myself, and some parts come quickly and others take more to learn. There are a lot of free and inexpensive learning resources out there so I would start there and get a feel for it.

I hope this helps!

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Douglas’s Answer

Kaiden A,

I think you should find out if it is hard by trying to program,
by reading and writing/testing code.

It is harder if you are not curious.
It is harder if you do not spend some time trying.

I learned to program by answering the questions that I use to learn anything:
- how can I do or program that?
- what do I need to know, what are the basics?
- who can help me learn?
- what examples are there for programming tasks I might want to do ?
- find people who I can model, who are already doing what I would like to learn.
- do it. Make mistakes, figure out what it takes to produce a program/app.

Just like in life, there are people who learn "fast" or learn "slow",
I have worked with both groups, both produced good code.

I have always found that to learn effectively is to figure out
what the right answers are, but asking good questions. That can
be a daunting activity.

Good luck and keep asking questions.

Douglas recommends the following next steps:

Google: learning how to program
Google: learning how to write apps
Google: learning computer programming concepts
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Bruce’s Answer

Hi Kaiden - I have a college degree in Computer Science and I have worked in programming and other software jobs.

The first time I took a programming class was in college, but you should be able to try it out sooner than that. Check for hw you can try out programming and see what it looks like.

Computer programs look sort of like some English words as special commands and other typed characters.

Search online for "computer programming samples". They won't make sense to you yet because you haven't been trained yet, but look at them just to see what they look like.

Then the first class you take will start with very simplest possible program. Then the 2nd one teach you a new bit of programming. Then your 3rd assignment will teach you a bit more, then a bit more.

And if you enjoy it like I did, you can keep on going.

And if you don't enjoy it - and you really tried your best - then search for something else to study and learn about.

Good luck!

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Guy’s Answer

Hello Kaiden

I am graduate in computer science and have worked in IT for 40 Years.
Also I start as programmer, as you would like too as I read, I have been quite quickly interested in doing something else than programming.
Nowadays, there are quite challenging programming languages, e.g. php, html, ... and if you like that, that's for sure a way to follow.

It's really depends on which orientation you want to take, do you want to keep programming for Years (and it could be a good decision of course) or do you want to expand/evolve your expertise in other IT areas like analyst, architect, , project management, clients management .

so a very difficult question to answer but I will be more than happy to help further if needed

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Leo’s Answer

If you're asking: "Is it hard to study a Computer Science program?" Then I think the answer is "It's not supposed to be easy".

Like others have pointed out: a lot of this depends on your personality and experience. Some people find it harder than others (BTW, if you hate Math, then don't even bother as you'll need it all the time). However, there are some steps you can do to make it easier, or at least figure out if that's the right choice for you. For instance, learn how to code on your own. Any language will do, just start doing something. I made my life easier by learning how to code on my own at age 11 (using Basic, BTW). When I was old enough to enter a formal Computer Science program, I found that I already knew most of the basic concepts so that helped a lot.

Leo recommends the following next steps:

Learn a programming language, any language will do.
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sambasiva rao’s Answer

Hi Kaiden,
If you have good analytical and problem solving skills, computer programming is not at all a hard to take up as a career. Any solution to a problem or implementation of a business function will have an algorithm which describes the set of rules or instructions to be followed. In computer programming, you write those algorithms in specific language and syntax depending on the chosen programming language for the implementation. A computer programmer need to be familiar with any of these programming languages (C,C++, Java, Python etc.), their syntax, features and the supporting libraries which comes with readymade reusable functions. So, all you have to do is choose your domain (Finance, Retail, healthcare, Engineering etc.), programming languages of your interest and be familiar with those by taking a course or self reading.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards
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Mickael’s Answer

Hi Kaiden,

It's really relative. It depends about your character, your job, the program you are writing, the language you are using, sometimes the platform the program will execute on. So many things.
It's very easy to write a program in Python that ask you to type something and to print it reversely. It's longer in other languages because of the lack of built-in capabilities that Python offers. Note that I used longer not harder. For some people, it would be harder because they need to understand memory management, data structure and various other thing to make it work. The more basic your language, the longer (and possibly harder) it gets. Sometimes, this is the other way around, writing algorithm in low level language is simpler than in high level language because the language was really designed for it.

No matter what, when developing something, the hardest parts are:
- error management
- logging / debuggability
- memory management
Basically, when you wrote your application, did you thoroughly thought about all possible inputs and how to validate them. If your application does not behave or finds an error, how understandable will the error message be? And even if you are using languages like Python that does most of the memory management for you, there is a point when you need to make sure it's efficiently used.

So if you are a detailed person, does not care how long it takes to type something, it will be probably easier for you. If you're not, then you might find hard to write solid applications as there will always be something to look at that you did not think about (for example).

This is also something you need practice, almost like any other jobs or activities. You can learn data structures, algorithms, a specific language ... as much as you can learn but if you do not practice, this is hard. As you get familiar, as you practice, things that were hard before becomes easier. I do believe this is true for almost anything. The first time you cook an egg, it's hard. Once you start getting into it, it's mechanical.

Maybe the most difficult part is to know the problem. Knowing what problem you are trying to solve before solving it is where a lot of persons, even experienced ones, fail at. Which sometimes lead to the wrong solution being implemented.