How bad is medical school?
Im currently in HOSA #doctor #medicine #healthcare #medical-school
5 answers
Rachel’s Answer
In order to avoid becoming totally overwhelmed or depressed, do the things that allow you to maintain a healthy perspective on life. If you like to run, try to jog regularly to stay healthy. Volunteering can often help to get students out of their study bubble and show them that others have much greater problems than the score on their next test. Many people are heavily involved in church groups and community outreach.
Aaron A.’s Answer

Pramuditha Rajapakse
Pramuditha’s Answer
Medical school is relatively more challenging due to the amount of studying you have to do to get good grades and the amount of dedication required. But the perception depends on how willing you are to commit yourself to achieve the ultimate goal. If you are truly passionate about becoming a doctor, you will feel more motivated and satisfied by working harder whereas someone who is less interested may become burnt out sooner. Definitely there will be days you are exhausted and question yourself whether you entered the right path. And there will be days when you help patients and feel how lucky to enter this profession. However, at the end if you truly wanted it, the hard work is all worth it. When you become a doctor and feel that sense of achievement you will one day look back and be happy about your journey that was full of ups and downs.
Disclaimer : This is from my personal experience three years back in a competitive school. It may differ from how different people look at challenges in life.
Pramuditha recommends the following next steps:
Estelle’s Answer
Richard’s Answer
There will be times during 3rd and 4th year when you will be frustrated by your continued lack of skills and knowledge but just remember that there will be plenty of time to master your specialty during residency.